How to Use Widgets in Windows 11?

Author: Paul Smith

A widget is the most practical graphic application built for quickly referencing details like news, sports, weather, and much more. But in Windows 11, widgets function differently and live in a unique menu available using the taskbar. Numerous users are confused while using it on Windows 11 and if you are one of those, follow the whole blog to get out of this confusion.

Launch Widget Panel on Windows 11

First of all, launch the widget pane by selecting the Widgets on the Windows 11 taskbar. If you are using a touch-screen system, then swipe through the left-hand side of the screen to invoke the pane. Once you reach there, you can enter a Bing-powered web search section and multiple Microsoft-powered widgets. For example, the Calendar widget is backed by Outlook, and Microsoft To-Do powers the To-Do widget.

Continue scrolling to check a curated selection of news articles that align with the MS news preferences. After that, select the ellipsis menu button in a widget to modify its size. You should choose between large, medium, and small to make a larger widget that displays more details or a smaller widget that scales down what is shown at a glance.

Customize Widgets on Windows 11

A few widgets also have extra configurations. You can modify them by selecting the ellipsis menu button. And then, click on the ‘Customize widget’ option through the menu. For instance, the traffic and Weather widgets let you modify the location, Sports allows you to add a team to pursue, and Watchlist permits you to pin stock listings.

Move Widgets on Windows 11

You can reorganize the widgets by moving them to new locations. After that, move the cursor on the upper part of the widget until the mouse cursor becomes a hand. Then, you should take a screen and move it to the new location; surrounding widgets can shift to accommodate the change.

Add or Delete Widgets on Windows 11

If you want to add new widgets, select the profile button on the upper right side of the pane. Afterward, you can then select any of the appeared widgets to add to the pane. After that, remove a pinned widget by selecting its ellipsis menu icon and selecting the ‘Remove widget’ option.

Adjust News Feed on Windows 11

There are some actions you can take to set the news feed. If you cannot see a particular story, hit the ‘X’ button to rawhide the story. Windows will request you why, letting you modify the interests, report a problem, revert the action or hide the publisher. You should select the ellipsis menu icon for a news story to ask to view more or some stories like the recent one. In case you choose the latter, you can still define the interests.

Manage the Interests on Windows 11

If you would like to manage the interests, select the profile button and choose the ‘Manage your news and interest’ option at the lower side of the screen. It will invoke the My Interests screen of Microsoft News in the web browser.

Here, you should choose the topics you like beneath the categories section: shopping, Sports, entertainment, and many more. Also, you should manage the publisher list you have hidden or followed.

Tune the News Feed on Windows 11

You should instantly set the news feed beneath the ‘My Interests’ field of the MS News site. After that, select the ‘tune your feed’ URL at the lower side to invoke a publisher screen. You should move via the other screen and select the publishers you would like to show in the news feed going forward.

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