5 creative policy design ideas

Author: Meenu Makan

Company policies are necessary for setting up company standards in areas such as actions and codes of conduct. Many businesses have a policy in place because they should have a creative one without considering its importance. Creative business policies can be very significant to companies. The main aim is to get your workforce to recollect the procedures.

Here are some crucial creative design ideas to help instil them into your life in the office.

1. Striking handbooks

Your employee handbook permits you to steer not only your business' policies but also your brand and your businesses' vision.

While the thought of a handbook habitually summons up the clutter of jargon and a set of laws, scripting one offers businesses a probability to communicate how your business considers culture, how they treat their team and employees, and how they rejoice in accomplishment or undergo hardships collectively. It's a place where they can converse the morals that keep them on the path of right north.

However, most company policy handbooks aren't precisely interesting. All too often, they are mostly faced with dry, exceptionally text-heavy A4 papers that are swiftly referred to the back of a grimy drawer. However, companies with creative policies don't have to meet the same destiny.

A vibrant and resourcefully planned company policy handbook can help connect with employees and, as a result, strengthen your company standards. A conversational tone and visual assistance can also help to create a satisfied attractive, and simple to recognize handbook.

2. Pin-up posters

Posters are a great way to exchange a few words about some of your input company policies. Not only are they reasonable and fast to create, but they can also be shaped with a variety of colourful, attractive designs. In addition, you can lengthen their lifeline by choosing more sturdy supplies and water-resistant finishes.

Efficient posters regularly feature bold, different designs and text big enough to be noticeable from a distance. So, it is always suggested not to attempt and squeeze all your policy details onto a single sheet of paper. It's also important to put all the policy documents and posters in the right spots. Usually, they're in areas with high foot traffic, such as corridors, kitchens, and restrooms.

3. Policy murals

If you're planning to make an even bolder and more lasting statement, then think of giving your most vital policies or work statement a one-up by assigning them a feature wall. For example, Murals printed on vinyl can be effortlessly applied to an array of surfaces and separated without harm at any given time.

Contemporary and edgy murals are well-liked with prominent players such as the Google and Airbnb headquarters. Not only do they instantaneously liven up a bare office wall, but they are also a vast opportunity to instil your company policies into your daily culture in an unforgettable way.

4. Desk calendars

Meeting dates, events, exceptional circumstances, tasks, meeting deadlines fly around continuously, filling up the company's and its team's to-do list even before the work week begins. A simple, reasonably priced way to improve your company's work culture as an owner is to finish and keep up a calendar. Even though digital calendars are more and more used today in our lives, their printed equivalents are still admired, especially when they are around people's desks. It makes them a powerful tool for reaffirming your organization rules and strategies.

You can choose related policies that go well to a particular month or to main events in your business calendar to make them more appropriate. So, for example, you can incorporate a policy on a member of staff relations in November when people have Thanksgiving on their mind, and one relating to Aussie heroes in January for the occasion of Australia day.

5. Versatile handouts

Workshops, seminars, and other in-house events are significant ways to contribute to your company policies with fresh recruits and existing staff members. They let folks ask questions and encourage open conversation, which can be a huge help when you are thinking about putting your business policies into a real-life circumstance.

A variety of attractive and well-made visual aids will keep folks occupied. For example, these helpful handouts could take in slide decks and worksheets and things and supplies like cut-outs and notes, which can be posted. As a takeaway, you could even print keywords and slogans of related policies on desks and calendars for your team to take away.


From attractive handbooks to creative murals and in-house events, with artistic props, sharing your organization's policies can be a lot more attractive and impressive for your team members and other staff. So, choose to think a little outside the box.