Your frustration is someone else’s comfort: Vent online at RANT and feel better about your day

Author: Simon Wilby

What can you do to express yourself to the world out there? Instead of venting into the void, what you won’t sacrifice to make your voice heard? Well, if you want to tell your story online to like-minded people, then Simon Wilby’s RANT is your platform.

In today’s digital world, depression and anxiety are sold for free in online comment boxes or at the nooks are corners of streets where utter morons abuse or mug people for their own good. People who cope with destructive behavior can certainly combat anything and are no less than superheroes. But for those who cannot, life becomes an abyss of questions.

The victims often keep everything bottled up inside, which rots their core of faith. They start thinking that they are up to no good. Also, when no one takes their stand, and everyone pretends to live under the veil of strength, no one comes out of the closet to express their true feelings or exercise their freedom of speech.

The pandemic scrooge worsened everything

The year 2020 provided people with so many things to rant about. When people were confined within the four walls, tone-deaf responses to social justice issues, infuriating conspiracy theories, and many other incidents were resurging. Given all the kindling for indignation, many people felt the irresistible urge to vent. But when they were physically and socially isolated, how were they supposed to get it out of their system?

That’s when Simon Wilby came with the idea of RANT. It was a platform for emotional release! The platform proved to be a therapeutic medium that helped people share their experiences with others out there that may be or may not experience the same. In a way, it raised awareness about many issues out there that were obscure in the veil of social construct.

How can RANT help?

Simon Wilby has kicked ranting into the stratosphere while offering boundless opportunities for imaginative, relevant, and creative bursts of fury. Now you can rant to thousands of people directly at the incarnations of the entities that infuriate you. So, on those days when you feel like "I can’t take it anymore," you rage about it. The idea is that venting helps people to deal with their anger. When people express their emotions without the fear of rejection or abuse, they come up with a solution instead of cursing their own self or blaming their personality. They can also post anonymously and connect with a global pool of audiences who share the same belief and benefit from the idea.


Starting from interpersonal problems stemming from internet anger to the socio-political agendas, RANT can take almost everything and anything. The cathartic expression of anger provides a direction to channel your opinion. Besides, you will have a digital platform where you can look back and analyze what you have complained about. Trust your gut; these things will keep you going.