Having a freshwater fish tank as a pet

Author: Abdul Rauf Khal'id

You have seen freshwater fish tanks as a pet in many houses as well as in offices. They are of many sizes having one or more transparent sides in which aquatic plants and fishes are kept. It is fun having a fish tank as a pet. You can decorate it as you wish, ranging from a cartoon theme to a natural theme. When you combine freshwater fish with the aqua scaping technique, it will make your tank look like an underwater natural rainforest. If you want to buy it, you can get it from the land-based fish shop. You can also get it from any online shop.

Why you should buy one:

Having a freshwater fish tank as a pet has many benefits. It enhances the beauty of your house or offices. It is also very beneficial for health. Some of the benefits are the following:

Reduces the stress level:

It's very difficult to feel stressed when looking at a beautiful fish tank. Watching it is very peaceful as it calms you and those around you. This is one of the reasons you'll find fish tanks in high-stress environments like offices and hospitals. Reducing your stress level is very important for your overall health. Not only spending time around your fish tank can help calm you down but having a routine you follow in taking care of it can also be beneficial for you.

Reduces pain and anxiety:

Decorating your home with a fish tank can also help in reducing pain and anxiety. There are fish tanks placed in your doctor's or dentists' waiting room. The reason is to make your mind calm and reduce anxiety. A freshwater fish tank is the best way to treat anxiety disorder. When you look at the fishes swim, your mind gets diverted, and you feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Good for your heart health:

If anyone of your family members has health issues like high blood pressure, high heart rate, then keeping a freshwater fish tank at home is very beneficial. According to modern studies, seeing fishes swim around you in a fish tank and just taking care of them can be great for your mind and heart health. It prevents your blood pressure from going high and also prevents the risk of heart attacks.

Improves sleep:

Keeping a freshwater fish tank in your room can help you sleep better. Fishes bring very positive energy and calmness to the room and reduce stress levels. They are able to remove all the negative thoughts that don't let you sleep and make it easier for you to have a good sleep.

Keeps you active:

Fishes represent activeness, and keeping a fish tank at home helps you stay energetic and active all day. It also affects your daily productivity. You can focus better when there is a fish tank present around you.

Great for children:

You must get a freshwater fish tank if you have kids at home. It is very beneficial for kids who have hyperactivity disorder. When kids watch the fishes swim in the freshwater fish tank, their mind feels calm and relaxed. This will help your children to concentrate better and also help them to sleep well. It also helps your children perform better when it comes to their studies.

How to decorate a fish tank:

Getting a new fish tank is super exciting, and adding decorations is more fun! And when there's so much to choose from, it can be harder to pick out exactly how you want your tank to look. You can start from the bottom and move upwards to make your tank a paradise for your fish.

You can add rocks to give your fish a fun habitat. You can also add driftwood for the natural touch. You can create a mini ocean with seashells. You can get aquarium supplies for your fish tank from any online website.

Best fishes to keep in a freshwater fish tank:

Following are the best fishes to kept in a fish tank


BETTA fish is also called Japanese fighting fish. They are very beautiful to keep in the fish tanks. BETTA fish live in warm water. Their diet includes brine shrimps, bloodworms, and daphnia. You can get it from the online pet store as well as from any land-based pet store. Some types of BETTAS are the following:


The BARB fish is mostly referred to as a freshwater shark. BARBS are one of the few species of freshwater fish with rows of teeth in their mouths. BARBS are known to be ferocious hunters and are dominant predators in the world of small fish.

Some types of BARB fish are the following:


These are some of the most beautiful freshwater fish tanks. They have the ability to puff off. They can puff up to two or three times their normal size. Their diet includes mostly invertebrates and algae.

Some types of PUFFER fish are:


Platy fish are small, with small short fins, and have a tail shaped like a fan. They are peaceful and friendly. They are omnivores and can eat anything you put in a fish tank.

Some types of PLATY fish are the following:


It is a freshwater catfish. It is very beautiful. A group of six or more CORYDORAS suggested being kept together.

CORYDORAS are of following types:


Having a freshwater fish tank as a pet is very beneficial for you. It is also very beneficial for mental health as well as for your heart health. It is a great source of fun for children. It helps you to reduce anxiety and stress levels. It also enhances the beauty of your houses and offices. You can get it from any land-based store or from online shops.