How to Flirt with a Shy Woman

Author: Paraschiv Alexandra

How to Flirt with a Shy Woman

You have recently met a special woman who has caught your eye.

You want to flirt with her to see if you are on the same wavelength, but she is very shy and you do not know how to proceed.

In such a situation, it is quite difficult to figure out whether you like her or not. Here are some tips that will help you get closer to her.

Learn to be patient.

Patience is essential if you want to flirt with a shy person.

Try to stay in her comfort zone.

Most people love to talk about themselves, so ask them questions about it.

Be polite, keep the conversations short at first and gradually move on when she feels comfortable around you.

Spend more time with her.

Look for excuses to be around her. For example, you can go to the gym at the same time or sit next to her during lunch break, etc.

If you are present in her life on a regular basis and in a natural way, you will be able to open up much easier.

However, be careful not to fall into the "friend zone". Compliment them.

Even shy people feel good when you compliment them.

Give her a nice compliment to make her feel appreciated.

You can tell him something about the character or a piece of clothing, a haircut, etc.

Suggest that they do an activity together.

Once he gets used to your presence, suggest that they do something together.

Since she is shy, word it in a way that it does not seem like a date.

You can go for a bike ride, play tennis, watch a movie, etc. Base it on your common interests.

Look her in the eye. Look her in the eye as you talk to see that you are genuinely interested in what she is saying and who she is.

He will also notice that you are confident and self-assured, but do not hold eye contact for too long so as not to invade a foreign territory.

Use small touches. Depending on the context, you can touch him lightly on the hand or shoulder while you are talking.

You can do this while making a joke or if you are sympathetic to what he is saying. When it comes to a shy person, it is important that you have a lot of patience.

But if you really like him and you are compatible, then it is worth waiting and building a nice relationship over time.

If you have not found the right person yet, you can join a dating website where you can make new contacts and meet new people.
