Digital Signature for Trademark

Author: Rohit Suryavanshi

With the world becoming digital and also to support the great India digital movement, the department of patent registration and trademark filing has initiated an online filing facility for everyone who wants to apply for trademark registration and patent filing.

To make the entire filing work easy, authentic, and hassle-free, it has become a mandate for everyone to affix their Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates on the government portal. Also, every individual or organization can get their DSC for trademark filing and patent registration using their Aadhaar or PAN card in just 15 minutes.

Before we move to the advantages of using the DSCs for trademark, let’s discuss the procedure of utilizing the DSC for trademark filing.

E-filing Procedure at Trademark Filing

In India, to register a trademark or patent online, the client needs to have a class 3 Digital Signature Certificate. Clients can purchase Digital Signature Certificates online in India, from any affirming authority or an enrollment authority.

To file the trademark application, the client needs to choose a specific application ‘532’, and afterward select the ‘sign report’.

On the PC screen, a window shows upon which all the introduced class 3 digital signatures will be recorded. The client can pick the proper testament and sign the archive electronically. After this, the client will get a warning that the report has been agreed upon.

Class 3 DSCs guarantee the most significant level of safety when reports are traded electronically through the web. The advanced mark confirms the personality of the individual marking the archives.

After submission or affixing the digital certificate, the user can proceed to make the payment online. Once the user selects the ‘Make Payment’ Option, the system will display the amount that needs to be paid online, either through a card or net banking.

Advantages Of Affixing Class 3 DSC for Trademark eFiling

Everyone can take advantage of the below-mentioned benefits that a digital signature provides to organizations and legal departments while filing for the IPO and Trademarks:

Legal validity



More agile workflow

Cost savings and environmental sustainability

Better time management

Moreover, these certificates keep your shared data unaltered and promise to provide the highest level of security at various government portals. So, using it to complete the purpose of filing makes your job easy.

So, we believe with the help of the entire information shared above, you can learn that how to use Digital Signature for Trademark.