Chiropractic Care Can Help Heal a Chance Fracture After a Car Accident

Author: Lena Burkut

Just wearing a seat belt while driving is not enough. That's because if you are using only a lap belt and not the strap that goes across your chest and shoulder you can sustain a Chance fracture.

What is a Chance fracture?

A type of spinal injury, Chance fracture is also called a seat belt fracture. During a collision the flexion-distraction force upon the spine leads to a Chance fracture.

What this means is that at the time of a crash the spine flexes and then extends with too much force. This force can cause the bone to fracture, tear the ligament, and injure the intervertebral discs in the spine.

A Chance fracture is commonly seen in the thoracolumbar junction. This is the area where the thoracic spine meets the lumbar spine, that is, the 12th thoracic vertebra and first or second lumbar vertebra.

How Can You Sustain A Chance Fracture During A Crash

It is the flexion-distraction forces that lead to Chance fractures. During a crash the weight of the upper body is violently thrown forward while the lower part of the body remains fixed due to the lap belt that the passenger is wearing. The spine in the thoracolumbar region experiences a flexion-distraction movement both at once, due to which a Chance fracture results. The fracture can also cause intra-abdominal injuries.

Diagnosing a Chance Fracture

If after a car accident you experience severe back pain it is possible that you have suffered a Chance fracture. Do not self-diagnose. See a car accident doctor immediately.

Try not to postpone seeking medical attention when you experience discomfort and pain. Delaying treatment will worsen the injury and may lead to life-long complications.

When you see a doctor for your back pain, they will run a few x-ray tests to determine the extent of damage to your spine. If you were involved in a high-impact accident you will be taken straight to the emergency room.

There a CAT scan will be carried out and if you have intra-abdominal injuries you may even need to undergo surgical procedures. Some doctors also order an MRI to determine if you have injured the thoracolumbar ligaments or if the spinal cord has been damaged or severed.

Symptoms of a Chance Fracture

Severe back pain especially in the mid and lower back is one of the main symptoms of a Chance fracture. Other symptoms will depend on the extent of damage to your thoracolumbar spine.

You will experience a different set of symptoms if for instance your spinal column is fractured and ligaments are torn. But if your spinal cord has been severed along with the Chance fracture you will experience another set of symptoms. Intra-abdominal injuries due to a Chance fracture are also quite common and symptoms associated with these internal injuries add to the complications.

Why Treatment Should Not Be Delayed

It is prudent to visit a car accident chiropractor immediately after a crash. Waiting it out can worsen your injury and lead to life-altering changes. With time your pain will become chronic and almost impossible to heal. Not treating your injury on time can also hurt your injury claim.

Car accident chiropractors excel at diagnosing and treating crash-related injuries. Schedule a visit to an accident clinic immediately after you've sustained injuries in a car wreck.

An early diagnosis will help you recover better and in a healthy way. If your injuries are severe you may need surgery. During your rehab stage of recovery chiropractic care proves to be very beneficial, especially physiotherapy.

Let Chiropractic Care Help You Heal Holistically

When you opt for chiropractic care you heal naturally and holistically. This is because chiropractors do not depend on prescribing drugs or carrying out invasive procedures.

While recovering from a Chance fracture you may need to undergo physical therapy. Easy exercises and stretches are recommended so your injury heals gradually and the surrounding areas are strengthened for better support. Spinal injuries usually take a long time to heal and that is why it is important you have an uneventful rehab phase so you emerge stronger and confident after your injury.

For any queries that you may have about your injuries you can schedule an appointment with our car accident chiropractors in Miami, Fl or call 305-928-2828 to speak to our chiropractic experts in our accident clinics across Florida. If you are interested in checking out what we do before speaking to us you can visit: and find out.