What the Mean of Honesty, Integrity and Trust in Leadership?
There is lot of resources in the organization that might have the capability of leading but this is possible only if the emphasis is given on honesty, trust and integrity. Nobody can lead a team unless there is a sense of honesty and integrity in his work and towards his team. Maintaining integrity, honesty and values as you lead will set the tone for establishing those qualities within your organization. When the relationships within your organizations are built on the trust that comes from these values, you can be sure that your team will be following a common path to reach a common goal.
We need to focus on, and insist upon absolutely HONEST leadership. There are certain aspects that need to be followed:
- Trust your Leader-It is very important for the leader to be honest so as to win the trust of his team mates. By doing so the employees in the team will feel comfortable to discuss issues and not hesitate or hide any problems from their leader this will lead to good communication which will helps in understanding the work better and achieve the goals of the organization. But the leader at the same time has to ensure that he does not get carried away in dealing the issues of his team which might at some point effect the organization.
- Honest leaders will never create any obstacles for their team and will freely express their ideas and give them due credit for the same.
- To become a honest leader try and be needful to your team. By doing so you will help the organization to achieve its goal and take them to the higher level in their business.
- An honest leader should have the skills to empathize and understand the feelings of his team. This will not only gain him respect from his team but at the same time employees will do their job whole heartedly thinking that their leader care for them and is available in their difficult situations.
- Sometimes leadership can be biased in nature; to avoid this situation a leader should consider all aspects before reaching to a conclusion which is acceptable to all. An honest leader is someone who develops such system where all scenarios are taken into consideration for taking correct and relevant decisions.
- When someone starts believing himself and achieve all his goals in a truthful manner he can easily find the best possible developments for the company. An honest leader would be someone who deals with weaknesses and overcome the same and use them as an asset for the company success.
Being honest is a key trait that people are looking for in their leaders. By showing honesty to yourself and to your organization you tend to possess true leadership qualities.
Blanchard Research and Training India LLP is the India partner for the Ken Blanchard Companies. The Ken Blanchard Companies is a global leader in workplace learning, productivity, performance, and leadership skills training solutions. We help companies improve their performance, productivity, and bottom-line results.