Pomodoro technique Time tracker

Author: Nina Paul

Pomodoro Technique is the technique of managing time in which work is done by taking breaks at regular and controlled intervals. The intervals play a significant role in this technique by freshening up the mind and boosting the thought process that will lead to optimised productivity. This practice can be adapted even in the cooperates as each employee is entitled to take one hour break. Even with all the breaks, this technique ensures that work is completed within time rather than exceeding it.

How does it work?

You have to start by selecting a task that is on the priority of that day and then break it into 25 minutes chunks known as "Pomodoro" separated by 5 minutes breaks. After completing the cycle four times, give yourself a long 15 - 20 minutes break.

What is the idea behind Pomodoro?

The ideology behind this technique is to create a sense of urgency by dividing the task into smaller bits so that it doesn't feel like a never-ending one. This way you will even encounter fewer distractions and focus diligently on the task. The progress you will be making in those 25 minutes will be equivalent to one or two hours of progress, hence, the task will be completed within or before the estimated time.

Moreover, through this technique, you won't feel drained out of energy at the end of the day due to the refreshment attained in every break. However, if the process seems a little unwieldy to you, you can download or sign to many Pomodoro timers that are available on the internet to make it manageable.

What can you do in breaks?

This five-minute break is to give you the time to complete tasks with very little importance like replying to an email, checking social media, returning a call that you got while working, grabbing something to eat or drink, watching a video, standing up and stretching or do simple exercises, go outside for some fresh air, pet animals, listen to music, wash face or simply sit back and relax. The motive of this practice is to give you a kick start for your next Pomodoro with an active mind.

The same goes for the long breaks wherein you can spend time with your family, rest your eyes from the screen, have a meal, play games, go for a walk or finish any task that you wish to, that brings serenity to your mind.

Why is one Pomodoro of 25 minutes?

Just to be clear, there is no superstition or magic in the number "25" which will make this technique more effective, it is just a number that will give you a good start as it seems neither too long nor too short. This number might vary according to potential and the type of work that you do, however, each Pomodoro should consist of the same number of minutes.

Is Pomodoro effective?

Many types of research and surveys show that taking breaks between tasks increases productivity and enhances concentration level which makes the Pomodoro technique of time management very effective. When a person is multitasking, he/she is not focused or using 100% of his/her capability in either task. Hence, Pomodoro ensures that you are giving your best on each task without any compromise. However, the most important effect is the elimination of distractions and creating a rhythm in which you can work wherein you are planning as well as completing the work you have assigned yourself for that particular day.

Pomodoro technique can be used for what kind of works?

This technique can be used for studying, all kinds of paperwork, writing, office work, or any kind of work that requires focused and concentrated attention. This technique was initially made for students to study and then later adapted by many after seeing phenomenal results.

Source- https://effortslog.com/blog-detail/pomodoro-time-management