Tasks Virtual Staff Can Do For You

Author: 24X7Direct Mktg

Remote-based work is slowly becoming the norm now. The public is getting used to the new methods of working. Virtual platforms offer a variety of opportunities for companies to take some of the load off their shoulders and seek assistance by outsourcing some parts of their job. If your business is not making the best utilization of this remote work model, you may fall behind your competition.

There aren't all business processes that can be done remotely, and that's the case with most firms. Certain areas such as manufacturing, logistics, warehousing, and so on require personnel working in the field. However, there are other industries which don't need workers to sit in a desk and benefit from the virtual workspace instead.

Virtual employees or virtual assistants are not uncommon in the modern world of business. They have a wide range of responsibilities from different parts of the globe and providing the results that are desired for large and small companies.

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant is a professional that provides a range of services to entrepreneurs and businesses remotely. They do not have to be present in your office to complete the tasks that they're assigned. You can communicate with them online and assign your virtual assistant tasks which they will later upload online, too.

In the same way that many businesses have gone digital, hiring virtual assistants is a smart option. Virtual assistants are generally independent contractors, which means they are not your full-time employees. They are not in your payroll, but will cost per hour or task. The majority of virtual assistants may also settle for a set monthly amount for work assignments that continue to come in.

To complete the work that you have assigned, a virtual assistant should have access to the resources and documents required. If your company has documents and files in the cloud and you share them with your virtual staff will be more simple.

Benefits of hiring virtual staff

There are numerous benefits to employing virtual employees for specific tasks in business. Here are a few that you could be thinking about.

Remote work capabilities

In the wake of events like the recent lockdowns that we experienced, your company does not have to stop because of the lack of people to hire. The hiring of a virtual assistant implies the work can continue from home without the need for your employees to travel to the office.

Reduced costs

In-office employment for full-time employees means having to provide them an adequate salary, along with benefits, space stationary, travel allowance, medical allowance and more. Work that is able to be done on the internet, you're paying unneeded expenses here.

Virtual assistants are likely to cost you a lot less. They usually cost less because there's no travelling involved and no additional benefits are required. Costs of operation are reduced because you won't be required to provide offices, stationery as well as internet access, and other such things. Small businesses can therefore save significantly with virtual staff.

Outsourcing non-critical tasks

For a smaller team this is even more difficult to manage all business functions efficiently. A single person is often assigned multiple responsibilities and though they are highly efficient and efficient, they're bound to be overwhelmed. This reduces the overall efficiency for your entire team.

The transfer of some non-core activities to virtual staff tasks will ease the burden of your team. Outsourcing these support work leaves your team members with the ability to concentrate on the tasks that they are specially qualified to perform.

A wider talent pool

Virtual staff hiring is that you do not have to be concerned about their geographical place of work. They are able to work from anyplace across the globe. When this barrier of location is broken, you get access to an abundance of talent from all over the world. You have more options for hiring the top talent.

You don't have to worry about training them because being independent contractors, they typically take care of their own professional growth. They stay up-to-date with the industry's demands and constantly improve their skills in order to make sure their services are relevant and beneficial for their customers.


Another reason to consider hiring virtual employees is the flexibility that they generally offer. It is possible to be busy throughout the day long with your office team and be able to work during the late hours during the night. Employing a virtual assistant from an alternate time zone could be a good way to arrange your schedule to allow you to sit for virtual calls and meetings for work. them.

Even when your virtual assistant is located in your time zone, they're frequently flexible in adjusting the hours they work according to your needs. This is not possible with in-office staff who usually are confined to fixed hours of work.

What are the tasks that virtual staff can assume?

Administrative tasks

The majority of companies opt to hire virtual staff to take care of their daily administrative tasks. These include all the support tasks you require to do, for instance for example:

  • Scheduling meetings

  • Maintaining your calendar and to-do lists

  • Data entry tasks

  • Making business travel arrangements

  • Taking virtual meeting minutes

  • Resolving customer queries

  • Draft messages, invitations, speeches, etc.

There's more that you can get done by the virtual assistant. The name says it all, virtual assistants can do almost everything an assistant in your office handles.

Management and creation of content

Digital marketing is a vital part of any business's marketing strategy in the present. And content creation is the primary focus in digital marketing. Your company needs material for your website, blog pages on social media, YouTube channels, sales material, and more. This is a job that is best outsourced.

Content creation requires some special skills, be it written content or some other format. Therefore, the best choice here would be to hire an experienced freelancer to handle your virtual staff tasks of creation and management of content. A competent content writer or marketer can handle your SEO needs, your the strategy of content, as for your marketing and content requirements.

Social media management

A company's presence on social media plays a very important role in creating its reputation and support in the current world. Controlling your social media accounts and making sure that your pages are up and running is essential. However, for small companies, having a dedicated social media team may not be feasible.

Outsourcing your social media management work to a virtual assistant could allow you to save time and money. The virtual assistant that oversees the management of your social media accounts can make sure that your posts are posted regularly on your pages. They can also engage with customers and potential customers with your posts by responding to their inquiries and comments.

They can also keep track of the most recent social media trends, and ensure that your content adheres to the latest trends to stay relevant. They can track customer interactions and analyze data to figure out what kind of content is working best, and also update your social media plan from time to time.

Customer service

A key area of business where increasing numbers of small-sized businesses outsourcing their work to virtual employees is customer support. Customer service executives no more need to work in-house. With the majority of your customer-related work done on online CRM programs Any professional with the right skills at any time can be available to take your customer's calls and respond to their issues.

You can let virtual assistants handle the basic customer service calls. If there are any issues they cannot offer a solution to, these calls are able to be escalated to your internal team. This can take a large portion of the burden off your team, freeing up their time for more important work.

Web development

Web development is a different area where professionals do not have to be in the office. Since all work has to be completed via the internet or by the developer's end it is able to be outsourced. There is a higher likelihood of finding excellent web developers for very low fees in the virtual setting.

They are not just able to help develop your website but can they can also aid in maintaining it on regular basis.

Business development

Business development is the process of that include identifying potential leads as well as engaging with them through conversation to increase your business's reach. You can engage virtual assistants to oversee business development tasks from a distance. They are able to research leads online, using platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn or LinkedIn, gather their contact information, keep track of their online activity, their interests and concerns, etc. These insights will help you identify the ideal audience for your content and marketing campaigns.

You could provide you virtual assistants tasks like promoting your website to potential customers or contacting them via email, and so on.

Accounting and finance

Many small businesses contract out their accounting and finance tasks because hiring an in-house accountant is too big an investment at the beginning of a new venture. Virtual assistants who manage the accounting of your company can assist with accounting, invoicing, obtaining the payment of accounts receivable, following up with clients/ vendors, etc.


Yes, you can hire an assistant virtual to conduct your research for you as well. This is exactly what a business development professional does for you since they are experts in their field. It is possible to outsource any kind of research work that you require. If you're writing material for your website or giving a presentation to an important event or writing an ebook You can let your virtual assistant help you with the research. They will gather all the relevant information, data, statistics as well as other relevant information. they find online and offline, collate it, tidy it up, and then share an outline of the entire thing that you can use to help your job.


Not just small-scale businesses, but enterprises from all kinds are striving to reduce costs and speed up their time. Outsourcing and virtual assistance in several crucial areas of business can help businesses make great progress for a much lower price and with very little effort. While you might be concerned regarding how virtual assistants are reliable and can you count on quality work, hiring a skilled professional from a reputable freelancer site can change your mind certain. All you need to do is pinpoint the areas of your company that you wish to outsource, and do some research of your own to find the best match for these jobs.