What Are Power Surges & Why Should I Care?
A power surge is a sudden influx in the flow of electricity within your electrical system. It is also called a voltage surge or transient voltage and this event lasts for more than three nanoseconds. A power surge is a phenomenon that can happen anytime, anywhere, no matter where you are located. The higher the rate of occurrence of thunderstorms and flooding in your area in NSW, the more prone you will be to experiencing power surges.
Power surges are dangerous due to the fact that when they occur, the massive excess input of power can fry the small parts, melt plastics and metallic strips, and lead to irreparable damage to your electronics.
Should you care about power surges? Yes, you should! How do you know if you’re experiencing a power surge? Our guide below will explain all the important things you need to know about power surges and what you need to do whenever you experience dangerous ones.
Signs of Power SurgeAustralia runs on 230/240 volts of supply voltage levels. Such voltage levels are considered the optimal power supply to be able to run our appliances and devices without causing any problems. Power surges happen and oftentimes, are barely unnoticeable, especially when they’re too small (below 240v).
However, when the power surge rises beyond the 240 volts limit and it occurs regularly, this is a major concern that you should attend to. A strong power surge should be treated as an urgent situation and the need to call for an emergency electrician in Sydney is imperative.
The following are signs of a power surge that you should watch for:
Digital and wireless devices in your home regularly resets and/or loses signal and connectivity.
Sudden Shutting down of appliances and lighting. This is caused by the tripping of the switchboard.
Presence of a burning odour and melted fuses.
Electrical devices that are attached to the socket start failing or get "bricked".
Power surges are fairly uncommon events that can happen in your home. However, when a power surge happens, it can cause damage to your electrical system and to your gadgets and appliances. This is due to the heat produced by the arc of electrical current the power surge causes.
The sources of power surge problems can be within your home (internal) or from the outside (external).
Most sources of internal power surges are less dangerous but still need to be attended to. Examples of these are the air conditioners, large freezers, and refrigerators that require huge amounts of voltage whenever they start-up or shut down. This is the reason why such appliances require their own dedicated sockets with lines straight to the electrical switchboard.
External sources of power surges, on the other hand, are far more dangerous and have devastating effects. Examples of external sources of a power surge are branches of a tree that comes in contact with power lines, a foreign object or an animal that gets stuck in the transformer, and on very rare occasions, a lighting strike.
If you're noticing constant blackouts and suspect that something may be wrong with your external power pole, then you may be required to contact a level 2 electrician in your area.
How to Prevent Power SurgesPrevention is your first line of defence against the hazards of a power surge. You should be always at the ready and be somewhat cautious that a power surge will inevitably happen.
Here are tips on how to prevent power surges from occurring:
- Unplug electronics when not in use.
- Clean or replace old electronics. They probably have degraded internal circuitry that can lead to power surges.
- Install good quality surge protectors.
- Install a Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS)
- Install safety switches in your home.
- Upgrade inadequate and old wirings especially if you experience constant tripping.
- Upgrade the old, overloaded switchboard.
- Cut the branches of trees that are in close proximity to power lines.
- Unplug electronics and appliances during lightning storms.
- Perform regular wiring and circuitry maintenance.
It may be true that protecting your home from the effects of power surges is an investment. Nevertheless, it is a necessary investment that you should partake in. Following the tips mentioned above can save you in costs and ensure your household’s safety in the long run.