The best pathways to earn Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Author: Richard Peirce

The Project Management Institute (PMI) requires you to obtain 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) every three years to keep your PMP certification. PDUs can be earned in two methods, according to PMI guidelines: 'Education' and 'Giving Back.' Here are ten easy and fun ways to earn PDUs.


(Minimum 35 out of 60 PDUs, Maximum 60 out of 60 PDUs)

One PDU is equal to one hour of educational participation. Here are five simple ways to earn Education PDUs:

  • Study books, articles, and whitepapers

As part of an authoritative industry presence, organizations and professionals frequently write blogs and articles. They provide a plethora of free educational tools.

  • Engage in scheduled informal discussion

Suggest organizing sessions dedicated to information sharing among staff and across departments on a regular basis. Actively work to break down knowledge silos within project teams.

  • Participate in self-directed e-learning

Use the multitude of instructional materials, podcasts, and webinars available online if you prefer a more flexible approach than a scheduled training course.

  • Attend organization meetings

Networking events frequently include an educational component. These could be hosted by PMI and other suggested third parties, or they could be discovered within your organisation.

  • Take a training course

A formal, instructor-led PMI online course is available. Look for PMP training courses that are offered as part of in-person conferences. Many of them are free, while others may be covered by your company. PDUs can be claimed as long as the material is PMP-relevant.

When earning Education PDUs, keep in mind that each subcategory must have at least 8 PDUs. Our earlier blog about PDUs has further information on them. Remember that 35 PDUs is the minimum, only Education can provide you with a full 60 PDUs. For many PMPs, this is a simpler task.

Giving Back

(Minimum 0 out of 60 PDUs, Maximum 25 out of 60 PDUs)

Many people desire to earn PDUs while they work, rather than studying for 60 hours every three years. If this describes you, the 'Giving Back' category can save you up to 25 hours of study. Here are some of the simplest ways to do so:

  • Work as a Project Management Practitioner

Give back to the industry by exhibiting your project management skills and the advantages of becoming PMP certified.

  • Create Content for Learning Resources

PDUs are a fantastic motivator for folks who desire to produce articles or collaborate on a book.

  • Give a Presentation

Look into speaking possibilities at a PMI event or a professional conference, or volunteer to deliver a presentation about your team's work at your company.

  • Coach your Peers

Coaching is a fantastic approach to pass on your expertise while also honing key communication and leadership skills.

  • Volunteer for PMI

You can join the PMI Board of Directors, one of the six Board of Directors support committees, or the PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF).

A PMP certification cannot be renewed simply by working as a project manager. For 'Working as a Professional,' you can earn up to 8 PDUs. It's up to you how you split the remaining PDUs (up to 17) between knowledge creation and volunteerism.