3 Ways to Stay Healthy When Working From Home
Remote work has numerous benefits, but it’s the downsides people unused to it talk about. The main complaints are of physical, mental and social nature.
Truth be told, potential health concerns are the easiest to deal with, so let’s take a look at how you can stay healthy (and happy) while working remotely.
1. Try Not to Sit for Hours at a Time
It’s not uncommon for people working remotely to spend hours on end in front of their screens and people who sit for too long tend to get leg cramps and suffer from back pain.
Common sense dictates to break the long spells of sitting and take a walk, stretch your muscles, or even do a light workout.
Here’s a tip: draft your daily schedule listing all regular breaks, and don’t skip them.
2. Shop for Healthy Snacks
A healthy diet is something everyone should be practicing, remote work or not. Stick to your lunch breaks and don’t rely on snacks. When you need to "grab a bite," make sure it’s a healthy bite - put a bowl with fresh fruit on the desk and watch your bad habits dissipate into thin air in a matter of days.
What exactly is a healthy diet?
Generally speaking, it’s a balanced diet that includes all necessary nutrients, namely fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Leave out the food rich in sugar and salt and processed foods.
For the majority of nutritionists, a healthy diet comprises fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products (this one may be disputable for some individuals, so take your health conditions into consideration) and whole grains. Basically, think in terms of beans, nuts, fish and lean meat. Downsize the food rich in sugar and salt and, of course, processed foods.
Note that people working remotely are usually more aware of hunger because there are fewer distractions at home.
3. Don't Miss Your Health Checkups
For many people unaccustomed to remote work, it’s all too easy to get busier than is necessary and forget to keep those health appointments. While remote work isn't exactly one of the most dangerous jobs, checkups are still important.
Make sure to take care of your health — no job should be an excuse for ruining your health.
There’s an easy way to deal with the feeling of being overwhelmed, really. You need to recognize the signs: everything starts with the feeling of being on a holiday. Stick to your daily schedule to optimize your time and you’ll be able to enjoy the extra free hours and still have sufficient time to schedule regular checkups.
To stay healthy while working remotely, you’ll need to get used to the routine that suits your daily schedule best and ditch some bad habits (unhealthy snacks, for example). It’s not rocket science; it just takes some discipline.
Remember to exercise regularly and snack on fruit.
Pro tip: change the environment from time to time. Go to your favorite café or — why not? — your favorite outdoors spot when the weather allows it to get the grasp of the newfound freedom. Remote work is, after all, beneficial in more ways than one. Enjoy it!