Basic Principles of Email Marketing
Modes of communication is in for rapid growth in today’s world. Of this giant pool, Email has been a channel that has maintained its position for quite a long time.
Having undergone several evolutions, emailstill remains an official favourite. With this, the role of an email marketer too has risen. From a mere mail to a client, Email marketing companies have moved far ahead with performance monitoring devices, metrics and analytics; knowing how many people have opened your mailer, how many have clicked on a specific link, how many have remained inactive, from where did they open your mailer – the list goes on and on and on.
A detailed view of the add-ons in Email marketing brings us down to a simple question - Do these advancements water the chances of forgetting the basic principles of successful email campaigns? Well, let us not walk over the true essence of Email Marketing.
Clause One: Sign up!!!
Looking for the "Quick wins"? Adding new people to your mailing list is the ground work of any successful Email marketing process. So, as the clause counts, make sure you have enough time to monitor the sign-up process and also promote the subscription wherever possible.
Clause Two: Keep your mailer fresh
Updating stale information is never a positive sign in Email Marketing. In an industry this dynamic, the possibilities are immense. If going with the flow is a bar for you, try new ways around. There is always scope for something new. And when you hit a bulls-eye with your endeavour, share it with your subscribers. There is nothing better than new ideas to share with your clients.
Clause Three: Let the talks patch up the gap
Frequent communications with your clientele can help build a relation of trust and goodwill. This is a possible option when considering the cost effective nature of Email Marketing. Rather than selling your product at each and every move you make, encourage them to purchase your service.
Clause Four: From results to resolutions
One of the best aspects of Email is the ability to measure the responses and also understand the behaviour of your recipients. When such information is by your side, make sure you use it to understand the end user and also to improve on your future campaigns.Clause Five: Automated pull inns
Staying with a customer every time he walks in is never an easy task, but it sure does make the customer feel great. Automated emails have been made to fill this space. With these triggered mails, you can keep up with your customer’s requirements and also save the cost of more traditional marketing messages.
The greatest returns often come from getting the basics right. So next time, before peering too much into the finer details of Email Marketing, take some time to go about the basic principles.
iCubes is the leading email marketing company in India catering to multiple brands across different industries. iCubes emphasizes of better deliverabilty with focus on engaging customers through strategic and well-formed campaigns. They have also nurtured the new wave of email marketers with their extremely popular Email Vidya sessions.