Choose The Right Inhibited Ethylene Glycol That Transfers Heat Fluid From Your Unit

Author: Darren Lamothe

Ethylene glycol is an organic compound which is primarily used as a raw material in the manufacture of polyester fibers and fabric industry. A little percentage is also used in industrial applications and purposes like anti-freeze formulations and other industrial purpose and products. An anti-freeze is a chemical additive that lowers the freezing point of a water based liquid. An anti-freeze mixture is used to achieve the freezing point depression for cold temperatures. Since water has a good properties as a coolant, anti-freeze is used in internal combustion engines and other heat transfer applications. Antifreeze generally prevents rigid enclosure from undergoing cracking or bursting due to expansion when water to ice.

Most of these heat transfer fluid are inhibited ethylene glycol are used in hydronic systems for freeze and corrosion protection. Ethylene glycol solutions became available in1926 and were marketed as permanent ‘anti-freeze’ as the higher boiling point provides advantages during summer use as well as during cold winter use. Sometimes when ethylene glycol is used in a system, it becomes oxidized to five organic acids. Inhibited ethylene glycol anti-freeze mixes are available, with additives that buffer the ph. It also reserves the alkalinity of the solution to prevent oxidation of ethylene glycol. Inhibited glycol typically contains 4-6% inhibitors with remainder being ethylene glycol. The effectiveness of this heat transfers fluids are all tested in laboratories and in use by all the renowned brands in the market.

For your existing system, before charging with your chosen glycol it is mandatory to clean and flush your unit thoroughly, to remove rust, scales and other sediments. New systems on the other hand are typically coated with grease, oil and fabrications. Dirt, welding, solder flux can be a problem, to avoid that cleaning of new system is also recommended. When using inhibited glycol products, a minimum of 25% glycol must be used to ensure proper inhibitors levels are achieved. It is also important that the water treatment supplier totally understands the unique treatment requirements of glycol systems. They should always recommend appropriate products.

To get the apt product from the market is actually not a big deal. You can do your own research. Before buying go through the website and choose the right product. There are many renowned manufacturing companies who provide high performance coolants which allow you to choose the right fluid for application. Go through the expert’s comments and get the best advice along with the best product.