Why Do You Need An Apportioned Boat Registration PA?

Author: Tyler Harrison

Just like you need the land vehicles registered under the DMV department of Pennsylvania jurisdiction, you also need to register your boat. Both registrations and titles of boats are operated by the PA Fish & Boat Commission. Most boat owners use the automobile for commercial purposes in this state and do not need to apply for regular domestic registration. Instead, a commercial boat owner needs to avail the apportioned registration services. To clarify this fact, we have mentioned some of the main reasons why such registration is essential.

Boat Registration RENEWALS Boat registrations are renewed on a 2-year cycle and expire in March end of the 2nd year. The Boat Commission sends a renewal card to the boat's registered owner before the expiration. There are two ways to complete renewals: 1) By mail The boat owner has to complete the renewal card and return it with payment. 2) Renew online with a credit card Visit the Commission's secure e-commerce site and get the boat registration renewed. Allows You To Operate In Different Jurisdictions Registration and titles are required for all motorized boats in Pennsylvania. With the help of the apportioned registration certificate, you will operate your boat in a different jurisdiction. For example, if the initial registration is done under DMV PA, you won't have to face any restriction while traveling to any adjacent jurisdiction on your boat. The apportioned certificate means that your boat is registered under different jurisdictions with the only difference in the fee. No More Miscalculations In Registration Fees For Different Areas As mentioned earlier, when you are availing of apportioned registration services, you won't have to pay the same fee for all the jurisdictions your boat might operate in the future. Instead, the fee is calculated based on the total hours your boat will spend in another jurisdiction. For example, if the automobile operates for 5 hours a day in jurisdiction A, the fee may be $7 to $10. But if the operation time in jurisdiction B is 9 hours, the fee will automatically increase. Needed To Run The Commercial Boat Business When you are dealing in a commercial boat business like tourism, cargo transports, and so on, the apportioned boat registration PA will help you avoid any legal issues. You will be allowed to carry on with your business, regardless of your native state where the automobile is registered initially. Furthermore, you also won't have to pay any extra fees while crossing waters in terms of different jurisdictions.

It Will Help You Avoid Any Legal Issues If your boat is not registered as an apportioned automobile, you might have to deal with legal issues. Any government can initiate a lawsuit against your commercial business. And to resolve the issue or make a settlement, you will have to pay a considerable sum of money. That's why you need to ensure that you have the apportioned license plate and registration card for your boat. Can Apply For Insurance With Ease An apportioned boat registration PA will help you in applying for insurance. No matter in which jurisdiction your boat may suffer damage, the insurance company will be liable to pay you the claim amount you will raise. That's why you should immediately get your boat registered so that you can enjoy all the insurance benefits with ease. It Offers Peace Of Mind Lastly, the apportioned registration certificate for your boat will give you peace of mind. You won't have to worry about anything, especially how you can maintain your commercial business in different jurisdictions other than Pennsylvania.