Four Amazing Benefits of Potho Plant

Author: Lucas Hemmings

House plants have now become the latest trend among every homeowner as these plants not only make the space look happier and cozy but come with some amazing health benefits. One such is the potho plant which has its scientific name as Epipremnum aureum that is one very much preferred house plant these days. Photo plant is also known as a silver vine, money plant, and devil’s vine. The best thing about the potho plant is that it can survive in any condition, with or without the soil. Though it is crucial to water the plant regularly but apart from that, it does not require much effort to maintain it.

Therefore, if you are a plant parent and would love to add a great option to your house, the potho plant is the one that you should be considering. Here are some of the amazing benefits of potho plant.

#1 Photo plant is a natural air purifier

These days people invest in various expensive air purifiers to maintain a healthy airflow inside the house. Well, instead of investing in those expensive gadgets, you can simply buy a potho plant that acts as a natural air purifier for any space. Photo plant has the efficiency to remove all the air pollutants present inside the home. It can eliminate benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide from the air easily. That is why it is always recommended to place the plant in the window or doorways.

#2 It can grow in every condition

Be it sunlight, rain, extreme winters, or no light at all, the potho plant can survive in any condition. Though you will see a bit of the change in the color of its leaves, apart from that it can even grow in conditions with zero natural light.

#3 Affordable and easy to maintain

Potho plant is extremely affordable depending upon the budget that you have. The potho plant starts from $9.99 to $85, thus, it is up to you which one you would want to buy. Not just that, it is absolutely no hassle to plant these and maintain them further. Just regular watering and some cutting from time to time and your potho plant will flourish like a healthy baby.

#4 Decorative piece inside the house

Photo plant can be a beautiful addition to the aesthetics of your home. You can include a potho plant in every kind of décor, be it traditional or contemporary, it can complement every element of your house. You can either hang it in a pot or let it grow as a climbing vine, the potho plant can make any corner look cozy and bright with its beautiful leaves.

Now that you know that what the potho plant can do to your home, you can choose from its wide range of varieties. You can opt for neon pothos, Manjula pothos, marble queen pothos, pothos ‘jessenia’, jade pothos, global green pothos, and many more amazing varieties. Along with the amazing benefits that this plant has to offer, it is going to be one thoughtful addition to your home.

Pretty Little Plant Co. offers indoor plants such as Alocasia, Hoya, Monstera, Peperomia, Philodendron, Pothos (, Scindapsus, and Syngoniums plants in Bryan, College Station, Caldwell, Navasota, Buffalo, Madisonville, Hearne, Brenham, and Houston, TX. To know more, visit