5 Branding Mistakes All Beginners Should Steer Clear Of

Author: Jonathan Jonas

Your branding technique sets up the image of your business in your consumer’s minds. It is, therefore, a fundamental key for your brand’s growth, especially in its initial stages.

Branding is not only important for growth but also what will set you apart from other brands in your niche. It will help your brand be a go-to option for your clients. Due to this, you need to figure out a blueprint for your branding strategy carefully and continually evolve it as well.

Unfortunately, most beginners fall prey to costly mishaps while branding. The following mistakes are crucial to avoid if you are just stepping into the corporate world.

Not Being Clear About Your Brand

Not having a clear brand strategy in your mind is the most common mistake most startups make. Not being clear about what your brand stands for and what it has to offer can cost you a lot in business growth.

Have a clear mind map of who the competitors are in your niche and what branding techniques they have adopted. This will help you gain clarity about the objectives and goals of your brand.

Once you are clear about your brand strategy, only then will you be able to project it to the community at large. Otherwise, working on your aesthetics or communication alone will not give you any significant results.

A well-defined brand strategy is the result of a collaboration between the digital marketing service provider, the creative team, and the client.

Ignoring Professional Help

Most beginners are usually short on budget. Being concerned about your finances in the early stages of your startup is only natural. But compromising on quality due to monetary concerns is something you should avoid at all costs. Do not cut back on building the face of your brand.

Not hiring professional services to build your brand’s identity is not a good idea. Cheap visuals and badly done aesthetics will not impress anyone. Your brand's design and aesthetics are a form of communication with your target audience. If you do not get your logo or design right, then your brand will fail to grab their attention, and they will probably move on to something that strikes the chord for them.

Make sure to hire trained professionals, like a digital marketing agency. These professionals are more likely to understand your brand's strategy and align the design process under that.

Unable To Deliver Your Promise

Make sure you deliver what you promise in your tagline or the headline of your web page, down to its core.

The worst mistake is being unable to live up to your brand's tagline. You do not want to be known as the brand that could not deliver what they claimed to have stood up for.

Broken promises can cultivate feelings of mistrust within your customer’s mind.

Therefore, you must make realistic promises and keep them too. Boosting your brand by making lofty claims just to gain attention might cost you your brand’s reputation in the future.

Appealing To The Wrong Audience

Running after the wrong audience will get you nowhere. The biggest pothole of branding for freshers is perhaps not knowing who your audience is. Not knowing your target audience can make you look like you're all over the place.

As a brand, this is something that you should sidestep from the beginning. It is crucial to know the demographics of your potential audience like:

  • Where are they located

  • What age group do they belong to

  • What is their income

  • What is their educational background

  • What solutions are they looking for

Knowing the right audience is crucial for you to build a connection with them. Brands who build a personal connection with their audience are more likely to create lasting bonds with their clients as well.

Slacking On Updates

Branding is not a one-time thing. Remember, as your brand evolves, so should your branding strategy.

It is natural for a brand to age. Hence, to keep your brand’s identity alive, you must continuously work on the image of your business that the community has in mind.

This can include updating your marketing material like brochures, for example. A protip in this regard is always to start small. Order a little amount of printable material initially, see if it fares well in the market, and then order more if you have to. This way, your marketing material will always remain updated.

Your web page’s design must also be aligned with your brand's image with time. You may also have to change your target audience at times, so do not restrict yourself when it comes to updates.

Remember, to keep your message fresh in your clientele’s mind; you must vigorously work on updates for your brand.


Branding can be an intimidating process for most entrepreneurs, especially for someone who has just started. But it is also the core of your brand’s success.

A well-placed branding strategy will prove to be beneficial for your business in the long run.

Therefore, actively approach branding by hiring the right professionals and knowing the branding basics beforehand. Being aware of and avoiding common branding mistakes can make your branding process much easier.