Axle trailer parts and trailer pin Manufacturer from India
Author: Wind Sor
New Product Line has been introduced by one of the leading manufacturer of trailer spare parts. Windsor is now supplying trailer axle parts along with it ongoing range of automotive parts, new plant has been setup and producing a vast range of axle parts in India. Capacity of plant to produce axle parts has been enhanced by twice installing latest modern machinery, a line of cnc and vmc machines is dedicated to machine the casting and forged material. Raw material is being procured from our sister concerns and other most repudiated suppliers of the industry. Computerized machines are being used to minimize errors and to achieve accuracy, all the process is observed by qualified and experienced manufacturing team leaders. Thereafter an exhaustive inspection is taken place by quality engineers where a minor defect is not neglected. As per other division of Windsor, it has engaged professionals for all commercial procedures in trailer part division also, where their primary job is to minimize the time to ship the final product and keep in touch with the client to help them save their interest till the shipment is delivered. Because of business volumes with shipping lines they also have tie ups with leading shipping companies to deliver their products on priority basis. Windsor is now supplying trailer axle parts along with it ongoing range of automotive parts, new plant has been setup and producing a vast range of axle parts in India. Capacity of plant to produce axle parts has been enhanced by twice installing latest modern machinery, a line of cnc and vmc machines is dedicated to machine the casting and forged material. Raw material is being procured from our sister concerns and other most repudiated suppliers of the industry. Constant growing demand of Windsor made axle parts have already proved the satisfaction level of their clients who are also growing constantly. Products made in Windsor are being widely used in Europe and Middle East. Their other brand product like ‘Rhino’ is a one of the most demanded in north and West African market. windsor 766, sector-37 Gurgaon, Haryana India PH:-00911244323900 Fax:- 00911244323999 E-mail- website-