Is Mock Interview Compulsory for IAS?

Author: Youth Destination

IAS Mock interview provides a simulated experience of the real interview. IAS mock interview by a panel of professional experts so that candidates can take the experience for the actual UPSC interview.

The main aim of these IAS mock interviews is to help the aspirants to assess their performance and make them able to know about their weaknesses and strengths. The interview for the IAS exam is also known as the personality test. It carries 275 marks.

These marks are calculated for the final merit list along with the marks obtained in the main exam so it becomes quite important for the candidate to perform well in the interview to get selected in the final merit list.

Some fine qualities for UPSC candidates

Candidates should have good communication skills and they should know how to present themselves in front of the interviewer. A striking personality with intelligence will help you to clear the IAS interview. The candidate should be well versed in social issues and current affairs.

They should provide a logical solution to any situation. Candidates should possess some moral integrity, leadership qualities, and a balanced sense of judgment. Candidates who can work under pressure normally and make quick decisions get good scores in interviews.

Advantage of mock interviews

Mock interviews enable the candidates to handle the pressure of real UPSC interviews. These interviews provide a simulated interview experience of the actual interview which reduces the candidates and anxiety and stress.

In IAS mock interview, the interviewer will ask some questions and will give feedback. Candidates can judge whether their answer was suitable or not. The mock interview is a good way to prepare for the personality test in a less stressful environment.

The constructive feedback of an experienced panel helps the candidate to work on their shortcomings so that they can successfully get their dream job and prepare for the interview in advance. The interview panel will attract the candidate's attention towards their strengths so that they can boost their confidence.

Mock interviews prepare the candidate for behavioral-based interview questions so that they can improve their answering methodology in the actual interview of UPSC and also get acquainted with their weaknesses and strengths.

The mock interview gives you an idea about the question that might be asked in the actual UPSC interview and also helps to implement confidence in body language. You can also get some similar questions in the real UPSC interview. To qualify for the real UPSC interview, it is very essential to practice mock interviews.

A good coaching institute provides the necessary support to conduct the mock interview. Youth Destination has a panel of experts in their relative field, job, and duties related to the IAS exam. Our mock interview panel includes experienced and knowledgeable faculty, subject matter experts, and psychoanalysts.

You will get a chance to interact with the person who has years of experience and expertise to conduct UPSC mock interview. Discuss the current affairs and social activities in society with your friends and family members.

It will prepare the candidates before going for the interview. Read different books, newspapers, and magazines regularly. They are very beneficial for the candidates.

Some common questions

  • The hobby of the candidate
  • About the current affairs
  • Why does the candidate want to join civil services
  • Preference for IAS, IPS, or IPS
  • If the candidate does not get his/her desired state what will he do
  • Educational background of the candidate
  • If the candidate is a working professional then knowledge about his/her profession
  • Questions from your district, state, school, and career choices
  • Any political event related to your city
  • About different types of tax
  • About women empowerment and women reservation in the parliament
  • About a politician who has a criminal record

Regular practice will ensure your success because practice makes a man perfect so don't underestimate the importance of mock interviews. Take more interviews before the actual UPSC interview and achieve your desired goal. After completing the mock interviews, take feedback constructively.

It will help you to get your dream job. Youth Destination provides a personal mentorship program to prepare for the UPSC exam which is the best way to ensure success in the Civil Service exam. They will help to improve in weak areas and keep track of progress. Our expert mentors have trained thousands of candidates in the last few years.