How to Balance between Enjoying Christmas Treats and Eating Healthy
The holidays are joyous and fun and full of great food. However, if you are someone who is really into a healthy lifestyle, it can be intimidating to approach this time and year and not know just how you want to spend it. After all, how is it possible to balance delicious Christmas treats and eating healthy? And how do you still prioritize your other lifestyle habits? Take a look at all that you’ll want to know to guide your way to a healthy future.
How to balance your healthy lifestyle with Christmas goodies
That all sounds great, but what does it actually mean when it comes to those Christmas treats and goodies? How are you supposed to make that balance work for your favorite areas? The top tips are below.
- Pick a list of your favorites to prioritize: We’ve all got the favorites we look forward to. Whether it’s hot cocoa, gumdrop cake, or gingerbread, thank carefully about what your most-loved items are. Make a list of them if you wish.
The point of doing this is to know where to focus your snacking energy so that you can decline or avoid those that don’t matter to you as much. Making a list helps you get a better sense of where you want to focus.
- Get your beauty sleep: Did you know that sleep deprivation is linked to weight gain? It’s also linked to higher stress levels and lower impulse control. When it comes to holidays, none of those things are going to be good. Be sure to get your 8 hours in as much as you can. It’ll help you keep on top of things, and you won’t be feeling so dragged out, either!
- Watch that sugar intake: This one seems obvious, but it’s essential! Sugar is everywhere and available in large amounts during the holiday season. Be aware of it and do what you can to cut out any unnecessary sources.
For example, learn how to make cookies with New Zealand Manuka honey instead of classic sugars and syrups. They’ll be just as tasty, and they’ll have an extra health kick when looking for extra incentives.
- Prioritize protein rather than carbs: Carbs are also everywhere during the holidays. While it’s normal to indulge a bit on your classic health profile, do what you can to throw in some protein, too. Lean protein is always a good idea, and try to add in some fermented protein sources, too, since they are easiest for our body to digest. This focus on protein will be satisfying for our appetite and help resist excessive carbs!
- Keep working out: We all tend to want to skip our gym days or our daily workouts when it comes to the holidays. As much as possible, try to keep on schedule. Not only will it feel good to keep active and moving, but it can also help ease the "guilt" you might be feeling if you are overindulged or are worried about gaining back some weight over the season.
- Don’t get pressured into breaking your habits: This is an important one! Even those we love can put some serious pressure on us to enjoy that extra cookie or skip your run in favor of lazing around instead. Make sure that you stick firmly to those habits that matter most to you. It won’t matter to them in the long run, and you’ll feel good about prioritizing what matters most in your short-term and long-term life, too!