Why should influencer marketing be a part of the business marketing mix?

Author: Clikthot Solutions


Word of mouth is always a great way to get your brand visibility and build loyal customers. Influencer marketing India is somewhat the modernized version of word of mouth technique where influencers share their views about a brand, product, or service of their niche. Today, most businesses collaborate with an influencer marketing agency in India to boost their brand visibility and sales online. It is one of the most powerful and effective techniques to drive traffic. Elaborating more on this we have explained why influencer marketing techniques should be a part of every business marketing mix.

Increases brand visibility and reach

Collaborating with social media influencers in India is one great way of growing your brand visibility. Influencers can market the brands in a way that is engaging and attracts customers. Moreover, they have credibility in their niche among their followers and have the capability of convincing customers to purchase products. Influencers have many followers who believe them and go by their word. This way influencers open up a good opportunity for businesses to approach millions of potential consumers. Influencer marketing helps you gain more visibility and also enables marketers to reach potential customers.

Build credibility

Influencers have the capability of helping brands build their credibility in the market. They are experts in their field and for these reasons their followers trust them. They have a good amount of influence on their followers and so their followers definitely believe their opinions and recommendations. This way influencers recommending your brand will not be seen as an advertisement but rather be seen as a valuable recommendation making the promotion genuine and reliable. This way businesses can build good credibility in the market by leveraging their relationship with their followers.

Drive purchases decisions

Influencers have the power to drive the customer’s purchasing decisions. People believe their influencers and often purchase the products or avail services recommended by their influencers. Running campaigns on various social media platforms with the help of the right social media influencer in India, can drive sales and boost business for brands. The chances of people buying products recommended by their influencer is much more than them purchasing products watching an advertisement.

Good Sharing Potential

Influencers constantly engage with their audience and share useful content about the brand and products or services. They use various social media channels such as blogs, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other platforms to share the content widely. This makes it not just easier for the influencer but also their followers to like share and comment on the post shared by the influencers. This way influencers can help brands spread the messages to a wide audience. Collaborating with influencers in India to promote your brand and actively spread the word is one of the best ways of growing your reach and visibility. The chances of the post going viral and getting maximum visibility and shares simply holds with the influencer and their loyal followers. Besides, shareable content is most likely to boost your brand reach and visibility like no other marketing technique.


Last but not the least, influencer marketing is definitely cost-effective and likely to offer better results than most other marketing strategies. In comparison with other forms of marketing or advertising, collaborating with influencers is relatively reasonable. Influencer marketing opens up a whole new opportunity for brands to compete even in the most competitive and cut-throat market. Moreover, the ROI is also much higher than most other techniques used in the digital marketing world.


Influencers offer you a plethora of opportunities in terms of meeting new customers, enhancing brand awareness, and boosting conversions. By collaborating with the right influencer marketing agency in India businesses will be able to leverage their social media marketing campaigns to another different level and gain traction of their business.