010-151 - Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices

Author: Hale Todd

The certification exam 010-151, Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices this certification exam is based on the General Networking Knowledge of the Cisco equipment and their related Hardware, Operation, Cisco NX-OS Software and their Service-Related Knowledge. The 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices is a certification exam. It is designed for the technicians and sellers where they perform abundant of the tasks related to the Cisco technology. The certification exam total time duration is ninety minutes and the total number of the question is sixty six to seventy.

The 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices certification course covers seventeen percent of General Networking Knowledge in the certification exam. In this topic candidates are study about description and demonstration of a high level understanding of the SAN technology, the IP address and subnet is also included. To add default subnet mask and gateway, In the Layer 2 technologies- Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, working of FTP and TFTP does, what ping does and Telnet does, the common network problems in the Layers 1 and 2 and the cabling and connectors, TCP/IP and OSI models and their associated protocols data flow in a network. The twenty five percent of the certification exam course is covered by the Identify Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware in this topic the candidate is to describe the Cisco Unified Computing System components and their chassis layout.

The 010-151 Study Kits Cisco Unified Computing System LED, Cisco Nexus 2000 series fabric extender components and UCS C-series rack mount server's components and chassis layout. The 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Device E-book is also available and the next topic is to Identify Cisco Nexus 2000 series is fabric extender cabling types in this topic the candidate study about the Cisco Nexus 5000 series switch components, the module, line card and the serial number of Cisco products.

In the certification exam the twenty five percent is covered by Describe Cisco NX-OS Software Operation in this topic the candidate is to learn how to describe and determine of the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC), the different types of command modes for Cisco NX-OS software and the functionality of UCS Manager and their features the current mode of the device, the device configuration, export technical support data, the basic knowledge 010-151 Preparation Cisco NX-OS commands, device file systems, configuration file from a Cisco device, directories and the files and password recovery on a Cisco NX-OS switch device. In this certification exam 010-151 Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices covers the thirty three percent to covers Service-Related Knowledge in this topic the candidates learn how to connect physical connection from laptop to Cisco console port, steps of the installation process and expected outcomes, Service restoration verification, initial setup tasks, the remedial procedure on Cisco devices, the BIOS on a UCS Server Blade with the GUI and Cisco Integrated Management Controller firmware on a UCS Server C-Series, hardware tools needed for repair.

The recommended course for the exam is Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices (DCTECH) where the candidate is study about all the important topics given for the learning and preparation of 010-151 Tests Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices certificate after the candidate clear the certification exam.

CertifyGuide offer every possible and workable solutions and related study materials for 010-151 Sample Questions and Cisco Certified Technician Data Center Practice Exam.