Important Elements of Leadership development in Leadership Training program?

Author: Byld Group

Every other organization should design its unique leadership development program that caters to addressing the specific challenges and opportunities that are required for the company’s employees in the future. Certain building blocks apply to all types of businesses. What Elements of Leadership Development are required in Leadership Training?

Here are some of the elements of leadership development that a training program must have:

Coaching in leadership training

Firstly, it is important to provide a particular coach or a mentor for each person in your leadership development program as this way, they will gain access and exposure to top management and gain insights that are tailored to assist them with their shortcomings.

They will have a clearer perspective into the day-to-day of the company’s leadership and sharpen their skills on a personal level. Great coaches also provide a safe space for employees to ask questions as they learn, and are available to bounce ideas off of, especially as the program participants explore the types of role or management they are hoping to grow into.

Skill development for a position as vague as "leadership" can be overwhelming without the right support as it requires honing skills that are more abstract and developing the right personality.

Coaches, perhaps even small support groups that all grow together, can help employees better identify the specific directions in which they want to head. This allows them to get a better idea early on about the skills that they want to hone and how they would be excited to add value to their companies. Accountability as an element in leadership development

Tomorrow’s management will need to learn today as to how they can hold teammates accountable without micromanaging and taking accountability for their actions. These two segments are more or less intertwined, as the latter helps immensely with the former.

Displaying a strong sense of accountability as a leader is difficult when your actions are publicly speculated and judged with stronger repercussions for missteps, instills a wider culture of accountability.

On the other end, having the right foot forward makes it easier to make sure that everyone else feels a sense of responsibility to complete their work, and to speak up when something’s not right.

Encouraging accountability while also helping everyone feel safer to pursue their innovative ideas is a tough balancing act — but it is necessary for every future leader as a ‘must-have’ in their toolkit.

Changing the management as an element of leadership training

Whether there’s an upcoming company reorganization or corporate restructuring, layoffs or a pivot in the overall strategic direction will cause a change in business as an inevitable phenomenon.

Leaders need to both understand the best way to get the business right and onto the next phase and also ensure that everyone is brought along with the transition and is updated about it.

Traditionally, changing the management was all about setting the right tone, determining the correct process, and over-communicating to achieve a seamless execution but given the complexity and speed of change, it is different now. Changing management today is all about empowering more people throughout the team to define and shape the required changes rather than pushing an iron-clad plan from the top to bring about a forced change in development.

Influence and negotiation as an element of leadership development

Soft skills are important in a leader, and perhaps there are no soft skills more important than the ability to successfully influence others (especially across reporting lines) and negotiate in a way that creates value for each party.Despite having greater responsibility and accountability, leaders are still a part of a larger team. Their actions combined with the actions of their team both can reflect directly on them and shine a light on their capabilities.

Both influencing and negotiation can have disastrous results for unskilled employees and foster negative sentiments amongst each other which a leader will have to avoid. Whereas, on the other hand, there are opportunities for win-win situations and value creation that are left on the table that a leader should pick up!

These elements are a must-have for every leadership training program as to develop great leaders, one requires the dynamism and diversity to enforce the right dictum of leadership development!

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