Ransomware Attacks - What They Are And How To Prevent Them
What is Ransomware? This is a malicious software program that locks up computer data and encrypts it with unbreakable encryption. Once the computer is compromised, you are then requested to pay a ransom in Bitcoins so that the attacker can try to avoid trace. It attacks all types of computers and systems. Businesses are not the only ones to be attacked with ransomware. Personal computers are also attacked.
How does it spread? Ransomware spreads via eternalblue vulnerability which is found in Microsoft Windows. Once it infects one computer, it can quickly go on to infect all computers connected to the network. It attempts multiple variables to infect a computer. It’s an evolved variant of Wannacry with more spreading capabilities. It spreads through phishing mail campaigns with malware attachments, so by opening an attachment, it executes and gets access to your device.
What to do if device is infected? There is no clear preparation as yet on what to do, however, ransomware waits about one hour before restarting the computer. If you suspect that you're infected with ransomware (or any different encryption virus) simply don’t let the computer load after the restart. Switch it off instantly. That way you will prevent the infection from encrypting your files so that your data can be saved. If you are not confident on how to do this then Hove Laptop Repairs suggests you contact your local laptop repair technician for advice and professional help.
How do I prevent Ransomware? Always make sure your device is always up to date with all the latest patches and vulnerability fixes,. Make sure your system schedule is set to automatically check for updates and download them immediately to avoid any security issues on your device. This can all be automated and runs in the background while you do other tasks.
Final Note Even with advanced software available online, nothing is as good as monitoring your own device on a regular basis and avoiding suspicious websites and attachments in your emails. The best thing to do is never open attachments unless you can guarantee it comes from an official source.
To do that, check the email address to make sure the spelling is exactly the same and secondly, avoid navigating to suspicious sites that may carry viruses an malware.
If you do the above, the chances of infection are reduced dramatically. We see a lot of these things at our computer repair service in Hove and our clients report that these tips greatly reduce the chances of infection.