Writing A Review, Annotation, Explanatory Note For The Diploma Annotation
An abstract is a short description of a diploma with a brief description of the content. It is not a stand-alone document. It cannot be used separately from the diploma, therefore it is applied to work before sewing. Writing an annotation for a diploma is a kind of reflection of the problems that are revealed in all chapters. When reading the annotation, the reader should immediately form a clear understanding of what will be discussed in the work. An abstract can be composed in two forms: In a short version and Buy Essay usa. The size of this document may well not exceed 0.5 standard A4 sheet. Here it is enough to describe the research methodology and indicate the goals. In an extended version. In this case, the size of the document should be from 1-2 to 3-4 sheets.
Here you should indicate the basic information and your own opinion about all significant and significant points in the study. It is necessary to indicate the key stages of the study and provide well-founded conclusions. Don't underestimate the importance of annotation. This is the face of your diploma. It is often enough just to look at it to understand the essence of labour as a whole. Review The reviewer is engaged in writing the review - a person with a diploma (or even better - with a scientific degree) in the specialty of the diploma project. If you find a reviewer, don't expect them to write the review themselves. Such people are too busy to waste their time.
Make sure that you have everything ready, and the reviewer can only sign the written. Here are the main traits that a good review should have: consistency in one style; appropriate design and clear structure; the presence of a full analysis of the diploma project. Remember: you, that is, the reviewer, are not writing an essay or a review, which is characterised by a free writing style. The review has a clear structure. But the form can be free. Making a review: Volume - no more than one A4 page. Font - Times New Roman.
The font size is 14 points. Single line spacing. Indents - 2 cm below and above, 3 cm on the left, 1 cm on the right. Signature of the reviewer. Explanatory note An explanatory note to a diploma (term paper) is an official document, according to which the final grade for the entire project is given, and in the case of a thesis, a qualification is awarded. It is extremely important to follow the rules for writing an explanatory note, because this document is not only submitted to the commission, but will also be stored for several more years in the archive, which is regularly checked. And if inconsistencies are revealed - expect trouble. An explanatory note to the diploma project must meet the following requirements: volume - up to 80 pages; design on A4 sheets; writing in 14 font. Creation of presentation for thesis A computer presentation is the brightest moment in the defence of a diploma. In the recent past, graduates were required to create paper posters by hand. And it took almost as much time as writing the thesis itself. Today, you have computers at your disposal, with the help of which the preparation of a presentation for a report or diploma can take only a few hours. The presentation is needed in order to facilitate the work of the commission members. Thanks to it, the visual perception of information is greatly facilitated, and the time for listening to a report is reduced from several hours to several minutes. To date, there are no strict and clear requirements for the presentation of a thesis. However, there are general provisions, recommendations, and advice in the preparation of a presentation in the preparation of a presentation, following which you can influence your defence. Now, more specifically, on the important points on how to properly create a presentation for the diploma : Font. It is recommended to use Arial or Times New Roman fonts to create your presentation. This is due to the fact that these fonts are on any computer. If you use a rare font, then when using a presentation on an unknown computer that does not have the font used, squares or incomprehensible characters will be displayed on the screen. Print information in 24 pt without using CapsLock. If you need to highlight a word or expression, use a bold font instead. Graphics. You can use it to illustrate the information that you want to present to the commission in defence. When using diagrams or graphs, be sure to include abbreviations on the slides below. Moreover, each illustration must be accompanied by a signature. Tables. Presentation software generally doesn't like tables. If you want to put extremely important information in the form of a table, insert it into the slide as a picture using, for example, Animation. Animation should not be used unless you are a directing graduate. The disappearance, emergence, dissolution of inscriptions gives the impression of frivolity, which is useless when defending a thesis. Sound Effects. Try not to use any sounds from the software package to create your presentation. They will interfere with focusing on the semantic component of the work. Number of slides. To defend the thesis, it is recommended to create a presentation of no more than 25 slides (including the output). On average, the commission assigns no more than 10-12 minutes of their time to each graduate. Count on being able to fit into this time frame. And here are the common mistakes when making a presentation : typos, using someone else's computer, application of multimedia files, small font, writing on the last day. And one last important tip: be sure to create a backup and carry it with you. Having a flash drive with a presentation, you can always play it if the university equipment suddenly malfunctions. It is enough to find a student with a laptop. Writing a report and speech for the thesis In preparation for the defence, you should study the information on how to write a report for the thesis. The report is written on 3-4 sheets of A4 format and consists of the main text (a summary of the thesis) with conclusions, handouts, and the presentation itself. The following points should be included in the content of the report: The relevance of the work (2-3 sentences are enough). Characteristics of the object and subject of research. List of used research methods. Description of the goals and objectives. A logically composed short story about how you solved the tasks and what conclusions you came to (a short retelling of all the chapters of the diploma with conclusions). Making suggestions and recommendations for improving and optimising the subject and object of research. Bringing the facts of the scientific and practical value of the student's proposals and the final qualifying work in general. A competent, well-thought-out speech for a diploma is an important component of success. It is not enough just to write a speech for the diploma work, you also need to be able to beautifully tell about your work. Otherwise, the commission may inadvertently get upset and lose all interest in you. So, here are some good tips on how to write a graduation speech : How to write a protective word (speech) for a diploma? Write the diploma itself. You should not write a defence of the diploma without examining your diploma thoroughly. Re-read the material, let it "fit" in your head. Then you can start. But how to defend your diploma if you didn’t write yourself? The same thing - study the work well before defending. Remember the timing. As a rule, the defence of a diploma does not last long. As they say, 10 minutes of shame - and you can relax. Therefore, you should not directly rewrite the entire diploma into your speech. Let the report be an assistant, a cheat sheet, according to which it will be easier to talk about the essence of research. Before writing a defence word for your thesis, with your supervisor, think about possible questions that the venerable committee might ask. It is advisable to include information that will help with the answers in the speech. Use the information from the introduction and conclusion. Indicate what the task of the diploma was, how it was solved, what was done and what you got in the end and writing. The speech should reflect the very essence, the essence of your work, so add the conclusions from each chapter to it. Rehearse your defence in front of a mirror. Or in front of friends. First, it's funny. And secondly, already standing in front of the commission, you will not feel much discomfort, since "at the rehearsal" you have already been in this situation. Plus, this way you can fit your speech into a well-defined time frame.