Top Benefits of Bladeless Lasik Surgery

Author: Mayank Jain

Lasik eye surgery is the most effective method for correcting refractive errors such as astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness and restoring proper vision.

Initially, when 'Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis,' popularly known as LASIK, was introduced, it used a microkeratome blade to cut a thin, hinged flap in the cornea. Despite the fact that it is an entirely safe and successful procedure, most patients used to be concerned when they learned that a blade would be inserted into their cornea.

Since the last decade, LASIK surgery has gone through a tremendous transformation. Today, LASIK surgery doesn't involve the use of a blade at all. Now high-energy femtosecond lasers are used instead of microkeratomes to create a thin flap in the cornea while performing the operation. Most Lasik Surgery Specialists in Delhi now perform bladeless surgery on patients.

The bladeless LASIK surgery offers several benefits; while also avoiding complications associated with the traditional LASIK surgery. In this post, we shall discuss the top 9 benefits of bladeless LASIK eye surgery.

1. Less Invasive:

Lasik is a procedure that is performed in a minimally invasive manner. The surgeon only operates on the surface of the eye during LASIK eye surgery, which is known as an extra ocular procedure. Furthermore, it is a much quicker procedure than a lens implant. The best thing about Lasik is that it can treat both of your eyes at the same time.

2. No Risk or Complication:

Traditional LASIK surgery has an excellent safety record; however, there is always room for error when using the blade, such as eye tissue damage. But with a bladeless LASIK eye surgery, the chances for complications are completely reduced. Furthermore, after the procedure, bladeless LASIK surgery drastically reduces the chances of astigmatism.

3. Superior Results:

Previously, there was always the risk of corneal damage when using blades to create a flap. The results have been superior to the traditional method ever since surgeons began using femtosecond lasers to create a flap in the cornea.

Bladeless treatment ensures that the flap's thickness is unaffected by the shape of the cornea and that customized treatment can be given based on the orientation and shape of the cornea. Femtosecond lasers, in fact, create a thinner cornea flap, providing nearsighted patients with better vision.

4. No Risk Of Dry Eyes Symptoms:

Dry eye symptoms are one of the most common side effects of traditional LASIK surgery. Though the dry eye symptom occurs for a very brief period, the problem itself is pretty irritating. However, the intensity and duration of dry eye problems are much lower with bladeless LASIK surgery than with traditional surgery.

5. Quick Healing Time:

Another significant advantage of Lasik eye surgery is the short recovery time. Yes, if you strictly follow your doctor's instructions, your newly treated eyes will heal in no time. Most Lasik patients return to work within 24 hours of their Lasik eye surgery.

6. Freedom from Glasses and Contact Lenses:

Another significant advantage of LASIK is the elimination of the need for eyeglasses or lenses. Most patients have significantly reduced their reliance on eyeglasses or contact lenses, and many no longer need them at all.

You can have clear vision without glasses, which is no less than a dream come true for people with impaired vision.

7. Painless Procedure:

When compared to other surgeries, Lasik is the most painless surgery. You may feel some level of irritation, but there are no chances of pain when it is a bladeless surgery.

8. Permanent Solution:

Lasik surgery is a permanent solution for correcting poor vision. Unless there was an error of under-correction or over-correction during the surgery, there is usually no need for any follow-up procedures.

9. Psychological Advantage:

Lastly, the mere thought of a blade not being used in the eyes gives patients who prefer bladeless technology a psychological advantage.

Wrapping it up...

So these are the top 9 benefits of Lasik eye surgery. Hopefully, these advantages are sufficient to help you make an informed decision.

However, keep in mind that not every patient qualifies for bladeless LASIK surgery. Meet with our Lasik Surgery Specialists in Delhi to find out if you are a candidate for bladeless surgery. They can assist you in making the best decision you've ever made.

If you want to learn more about the Lasik surgery, please make an appointment with our surgeon so that you can make the right choice!