5 Fun Ways to Jumpstart Your 2022

Author: Jennifer Kropf

The New Year is on the horizon and many of us are looking ahead to a fresh start. Will this be your best year yet? Let’s ensure that 2022 is an amazing year with a little forward thinking. Here are five easy ways to jumpstart your life and build your momentum for great things.

1. Create a Vision Board

First, how can you do amazing things if you aren’t clear on your goals and dreams? Find clarity on what you want out of life through journaling. Then, write out your goals for the coming year and create a vision board with images that inspire and move you. This takes a little time, but the payoff is HUGE when your New Year’s motivation begins to wear off.

See beautiful vision board examples and ideas here

2. Take Part in a 30 Day Challenge

Next, grab a friend or your partner and complete a challenge in January together. Not only will it help you feel accomplished, but you’ll be able to take that momentum into the rest of the year. Here are a few fun examples, and check out these epic 30 day challenge ideas for more!

  • Meditate every day for 30 days
  • Take a daily walk
  • Take your vitamins
  • Read at least 1 page from a book
  • Write 3 things you are thankful for
  • Write a thank you note
  • Declutter 10 items

3. Invest in a Better You

Even though we forget it often, YOU are your best investment.

So, what can you do in the coming year to invest in your your bright future? Sign up for a 10K. Pay for 3 months of a meditation app. Enroll in that class. Or pay a neighbor kid to mow your lawn and free up your time to do what you love.

Make a list now of ways to put time, value, and energy back into your life. While some may cost a little money, you’ll find that the rewards drastically outweigh any upfront costs.

4. Plan for the Year Ahead

Now that you have goals, priorities, and ideas for self-investments, it’s time to get planning! Schedule in what’s most important to you FIRST. Then write appointments and events in your calendar so you don’t forget. And remember: plan downtime and vacations too! We often don’t take enough breaks during the year unless we plan for them. But your mental health is important too, so schedule that in now.

5. Use January 1st to Set the Tone

Finally, use the first day of the New Year to get your mindset right for the year ahead. Eat healthy, get good sleep, and have a focused and fun day. Set the tone for what you want more of this year, and you’ll make it easy to slide right into that way of being.

In Conclusion

I hope you found these tips helpful! I’ll be using every single one of them to make my dreams a reality in the coming months. I hope you do too!