Extremely powerful blue laser pointer
Commercial blue laser pointers with a strength of up to five milliwatts can in principle also reach Airbuses at a height of 15,000 meters, "reports Frank Jakobs, ophthalmologist at the Luftwaffe's center for aerospace medicine in Fürstenfeldbruck Landing maneuvers instead of or with helicopters that don't move that fast, "says Jakobs, who advises NATO on the subject of glare attacks. blue laser pointer Whether the attacks cause organic damage to the eye depends above all on the strength of the laser Laser damage, as it occurs in accidents with experimental lasers, can be detected by examining the fundus or with other special examinations, "says DOG-Johann Roider.laserpointer blue 2000mw
Extremely powerful blue laser pointerWhere can you get extremely powerful blue laser pointers on the internet"High-energy, invisible blue laser pointers can cause bleeding at the fundus, making the pilot blind and unable to control," explains Roider. Lasers with beams of light over a meter in diameter have already been used off the coast of Somalia to temporarily blind pirates and thus render them incapable of fighting. Laser weapons, the primary aim of which is to cause permanent blindness, have been banned under the Geneva Convention since 1995.
When pilots fall victim to 3000mw laser pointer attacks
Commercially available devices can even reach airplanes at a height of 15 kilometers - permanent damage to the eye of the victim is difficult to determine.
Got my extremely powerful blue laser pointer hereStuttgart - On soccer fields, the fashionable bad habit of dazzling the goalkeeper with the Rechargeable Laser Pointer is bad enough. However, it is even worse when pilots are the target of such attacks. And these are by no means isolated cases: in the United States alone, there were almost 4,000 glare attacks on aircraft pilots last year. According to expert estimates, at least 3,000 such incidents have occurred in Europe since 2004, reports the German Ophthalmological Society. In the run-up to a congress in September, experts from the company will explain what damage can be caused to and in the eye by laser light. A distinction must be made between the pointers mainly used in the green wavelength range, whose power is below the five milliwatt limit, and high-energy lasers that are used as weapons of war. Laser pointer