6 Types Of Software Development Trends In 2022

Author: Mark Tyus

Generally, software development programs are more difficult to predict than other areas of technology.

However, it’s possible to see some fundamental tendencies that are in all likelihood to serve as the basis for future changes. The focus point of this article is on such software programs trends that we’re looking ahead to see in 2022, including the Internet of behavior, decision intelligence, hyper-automation, low-code development, and some others.

Software Industry Trends
  1. Internet of Behavior
  2. Cloud-based solutions
  3. Hyper Automation
  4. Blockchain
  5. Low-code development
  6. Decision Intelligence
Internet of Behavior

As an extension of the Internet of Things, the Internet of Behavior is one of the most promising software program trends. Bringing in the-next level personalization of customer and corporate companies in the near future. According to a report, devices will track around 40% of worldwide consumer behavior by 2023.

Cloud-Based Software Technologies

A rise in cloud-based options is gaining momentum. While many Organizations didn’t undertake these platform structures until 2020, the COVID-19 disaster has changed client preferences to the core.

According to a report, cloud spending rose 37% to $29 billion at some stages in the first quarter of 2020 and is estimated to develop over the next 12 months. By 2022, almost each small and large business will flip to cloud-based solutions, relying on these future software technologies in their daily operations.


New applied technologies in software development will surely deliver automation to a new level of speed, and that’s what hyper-automation stands for.

By 2022, half of all coding will be finished by the means of automatic systems, resulting in hyper automation and new expectations from employees who see what computer systems can do quicker than they can. Part of this trend is the rising popularity of technologies that combine hyper-automation with decision intelligence capabilities.


Since it’s introduced in 2017, the software development/programming world has been raving about blockchain’s features. But, It’s still too early to inform if mainstream adoption happens. Though there are some startups looking out to capitalize on blockchain solutions, many companies won’t take a look at blockchain until it will become way simpler to enforce and use.

Low-Code Software Development

Low-code platforms are another way to transform developers’ lives and business value, permitting companies to create web applications without writing code.

In essence, they facilitate the development method with available instruments and visual interfaces. As a famous techie writes, low-code development is about to produce $187 billion in revenue by means of 2030 and account for more than 65% of web development activity by 2024.

Decision Intelligence

According to a survey, decision intelligence is the brand-new trend towards creating a huge set of decision-making techniques that will determine the software development program course for numerous industries in 2022.

In retail, its tools can assist brands to refine loyalty programs or optimizing inventory levels at local stores.

To Conclude,

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