How to Stop Hair Growth on Body Permanently- what options are there?

Author: Ketch Beauty

As per personal preferences, many people love to have a smooth body and get rid of unwanted hair on body. You get numerous options for hair removal from your body. Whether it’s face or hand, there can be seen a lot of hair. But, a hair free body not only feels smooth but also boosts confidence in you. arm hair removal laser bIs there any way to prevent hair growth? Are you wondering about these queries?

Well, here are a few options that are available to you for hair removal from the body.


One of the options that many women choose is waxing. This sort of hair removal method is beneficial for smaller areas of the body like armpits, hands and legs. In this type of process, the hair is pulled out from its root. After waxing, the result stays for almost 2 to 4 weeks. This mainly depends on the speed how fast the hair grows.

Though this is a less expensive option, you will need to go to the salon to repeat the waxing more often. Tweezing is also another hair removal process but this cannot be done in sensitive areas.

Laser hair removal

Another hair removal process that is high in demand is laser hair removal. This mainly involves the application of a high-heat laser that mainly affects the hair follicle. In this process, the technician will use the laser hair removal technique all over the body but not under the eyes. For this, a few sessions are required to prevent the growth of hair on the body. But, this technique is a bit expensive for many.

Hair removal handset

Using a hair removal handset is one of the common ways that many people use it. This is handset is small, compact, and handy which makes it suitable to be carried anywhere. It’s a painless device that can be used on hand, leg, face and body hair removal. For this device, you don’t have to pay a huge amount. The good thing is that you can use it anywhere anytime you want.

Are you looking for a convenient way of hair removal? best ipl laser hair removal at home If you want to know about this then make sure to visit Ketch Beauty for its impeccable range of hair removal handsets.
