Include LBDDS in Your Formulation Toolbox for Drug Improvements
Lipid-based drug delivery systems (LBDDS) are innovated to address the challenges of poor bioavailability of drugs. As the key element in LBDDS, liposomes demonstrate significant biocompatibility and drug encapsulation ability, indicating that they could contribute to the delivery of pharmaceuticals into cells or even inside individual cellular compartments while simultaneously exempting the drugs from undesirable side reactions. To date, many novel liposome drugs have been approved for clinical practice or brought into focus in the pharmaceutical industry.
The popularity of LBDDS is expected, but there are some problems in their applications nevertheless, which need assistance from professional teams such as Creative Biolabs. Liposome-related services mainly involve functional liposome development, liposomal formulation development, liposome analysis and characterization. Once all three aspects are well prepared, pharmaceutical companies can launch their drug development programs worry-freely.
Functional liposome development
Several weaknesses including low targeting and stability are detected in liposomes, suggesting the researchers modify and functionalize them for property enhancement. During the past few years, scientists have endeavored to introduce functional materials like stimulus-responsive materials to liposomes, through which their application potential would be fortified. Besides, other functionalization methods are worked out to construct LBDDS with high targeting, endocytosis, and therapeutic response. In this case, multitudinous functional liposomes are produced for the next step of liposomal formulation.
Liposomal formulation development
The potent biocompatibility and biodegradability of liposomes happen to be complementary to the non-ideal properties of drugs such as low solubility, serum stability, circulation half-life, and biodistribution. Accordingly, scientists figure out the groundbreaking strategy by incorporating them, that is liposomal formulation. Currently, the liposomal formulation technologies proceed to encapsulate small-molecule drugs, proteins or peptides, prodrugs, and nucleic acids. Taking a look at the encapsulation of peptides or proteins, technicians would either control the lipid composition of liposomes or densify liposomes with a view to delivering therapeutic proteins or peptides efficiently and ultimately contributing to commercial success.
Liposome analysis and characterization
Many factors impact the stability of liposomes in applications and inevitably lead to the requirements for biophysical characterization of LBDDS and their payloads. These characterization techniques, notably coupled with release testing and stability program management, would monitor the physical and chemical parameters of liposomes to make sure the presence of desired reproducibility and function. With the progressive research, the technical package has expanded from lipid bilayer analysis to formulation stability monitoring, nearly covering the whole process of LBDDS R&D.
The boom of LBDDS services and products delights pharmaceutical companies but on the other hand, may perplex them for the difficulties in determining which one is preferred. Thankfully, Creative Biolabs, the well-known CRO, exhibits a complete set of industry-leading LBDDS services and technologies for customers. The essentials of its services can be concluded as non-toxicity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, stability, and flexibility for active targeting. Following the above principles, pharmaceutical manufacturers can feel relieved to include LBDDS in their toolbox and expedite drug development.