How to pass in class 12 math’s? [HELP NEEDED]

Author: Sumit Krishnan

Given below are few tips to pass in class 12 mathematics CBSE board examination:

  • One should know the new pattern of CBSE class 12 mathematics board examination- It is very essential for a student preparing for CBSE class 12 mathematics board examination to have a thorough knowledge about the mathematics pattern. According to the latest CBSE class 12 mathematics board examination, the paper has 36 questions divided into 4 sections i.e., A, B, C, and D.

There will not be any overall choice. But there is an internal question of two questions of 6 marks each, two questions of 2 marks each, and 3 questions of 1 mark each. Only one alternative is required to be attempted in all such questions.

  • Check the latest CBSE class 12 sample paper for mathematics- CBSE releases sample papers for every academic paper. One should refer to the sample paper for CBSE class 12 mathematics board examination in order to know about the important units and marks distribution. With the help of this latest mathematics sample papers, students can get acquainted with the examination pattern of
class 12 mathematics board examination. Apart from getting to know the latest pattern, one will also come to know about the questions that are asked in the examination.

  • Know the CBSE class 12 mathematics marking scheme- Along with the sample paper, there is the CBSE marking scheme which is very useful for preparing well in the examination and scoring good marks in mathematics class 12 CBSE. This marking scheme has answers and hints of the sample paper.
  • Evaluate past year CBSE class 12 mathematics question papers- The examination pattern of class 12 mathematics paper by CBSE has been changed but as you will assess previous years’ class 12 mathematics question paper, you will see some important concepts from which questions have been repeatedly asked in class 12 board examination. There are chances that based on these concepts, questions might be asked again.
  • Effectively learn formulas- You can win over mathematics, if you master over the formulas. Formulas are needed to understand the concepts to get the correct answers. Therefore, learn the formulae by heart and its applications are very important. If one knows the formula by heart and its rules of application and where they should be applied, then you will be able to solve mathematics paper easily.
  • Keep practicing- The secret to score high marks in class 12 mathematics paper is to keep practicing. Solving the CBSE class 12 mathematics paper are best for revising. Solving the different sets of papers will help in getting to know the difficulty level. Along with the sample papers, students must also practice the CBSE previous years class 12 mathematics papers. By doing this, they will get to learn about the difficulty level of the examination and types of questions that are asked. Also, they will come to know the important questions that are mostly asked in the examination. Students should concentrate on practicing mathematics and assessing their preparation. In this way, they will get to identify their strong and weak points. Accordingly, they should devote time to the weak areas and work on them to improve it. By doing so, the performance of the students will become better.
  • Marks distribution of CBSE class 12 mathematics- Calculus carries the maximum weightage i.e., 35 marks. So, while preparing for the mathematics examination, students must pay extra attention to those topics which have higher weightage.
  • Prepare from NCERT textbooks- The NCERT textbooks are the best to do well in CBSE class 12 mathematics examination as it contains a wide range of exercise questions and solved examples on every topic. While practicing the exercise, go on marking the important and difficult questions and keep a reference book along with the NCERT textbook, to immediately clarify the complex topics.
  • Make strategy- The long form questions carrying 5-6 marks are asked from the following sections;

-Calculus: It carries 44% weightage and it is very scoring.

-Differential equations: It consists of the application based difficult questions.

-Vectors and 3D geometry: It carries the next highest weightage i.e., 17%.

Students should keep practicing and solving more and more problems from the above sections in order to become perfect in them. Then,

-Probability, relations and functions and algebra carry a weightage of 10%, 10% and 13% respectively.

-Linear programming: 6%

These topics does not require extra practice beyond the ones covered in the NCERT textbooks.

A 5mark question is asked from linear programming, which can be handled with little practice of understanding the questions and writing the linear equations.

  • No rote learning- Mathematics is a subject of concepts. So, cramming mathematics does not help on the examination day. Try to understand the basics properly and clearly which are based on a single conceptual framework. Once it is understood, you can easily do away with the mugging up of the long list of formulas.