4 Things to Do Before and After Closing

Author: Nick Ruiz

Selling a home is a huge responsibility, and it can be a complex and tedious process. If you’re looking to sell a house fast in Milwaukee or the nearby areas, knowing the procedure beforehand can minimize your stress. Here are a few things to do before and after closing a deal in Milwaukee.

Things to Take Care of Before the Closing

1. Book Your Movers in Advance

As soon as you have a closing date, hire a professional mover. If you’re doing it yourself, make sure your rental truck is ready to go. You don’t want any last-minute hiccups or cheap movers quitting right before your move-in date. Last-minute requests to friends and family may not always be fruitful.

2. Get the Locks Changed

Your house keys may have been in the hands of several people, including the realtor, the contractor, the painter, the stager, and more. The safest move is to have the locks replaced. Schedule a locksmith closer to the closing date and have the locks changed before moving into your new property.

Alternatively, you don’t need to go through all these hassles when you sell your home as-is to cash home buyers in Milwaukee. The home selling process is straightforward and doesn’t require anyone except the seller and the real estate investor.

3. Set Up Your Utilities

Set up your phone, cable, gas, electricity, water, and internet in advance. Get a list of service providers in the area and submit your request at least a week before moving. You can get everything ready before moving by getting ahead of the process.

4. A Final Sweep

Give the property a final sweep about 24 hours before the final closing to confirm everything is in order. Ensure that the house is as promised and that any issues discovered during the inspection have been addressed.

Things to Do After the Closing

1. Secure a Copy of All Documents

Property papers are essential and need to be stored safely. You may need them for future sales or any legal and administrative matters related to the house. Make a copy of all the documents and put them in a secure place.

2. Update Your Address Information

Now that you have a new home update the new address for the bank, insurance companies, utilities, tax agencies, credit cards, DMV, friends, and family. You should also forward your mail through the post office until everything is changed.

3. Give Your New Home a Professional Cleaning

Hiring a professional cleaning company to clean the house before you move in will ensure that it is in good shape. You don’t want to add deep cleaning to the litany of stressors that come with moving.

4. Locate Circuit Breakers and Shut-Off Valves

Ask your realtor to show you the circuit breakers and shut-off valves. This step can be vital in the event of an emergency. Knowing where these are can reduce the amount of damage to your home if something goes wrong. Make sure that the other adults in the house are aware of this information as well.

Being a homeowner is a wonderful experience, and you don’t want trivial problems to distract you from it. Being adequately prepared is essential for a successful move, and planning ahead of time can save you a lot of stress.

Author Bio:

The author regularly writes about the real estate market in Milwaukee and helps homeowners who want to sell a house fast in Milwaukee.