Why Should You Consider a Room Addition in Your San Jose Home?

Author: Robert J Messina

Families in the city of San Jose are growing bigger and that has perhaps resulted in the need to create more living space. You could be feeling a space crunch at home and that is perhaps due to the increase in headcount among family members. The home was constructed years ago and the layout was based on the needs of that era. Today the space looks cramped and you need a quick solution. You would love to hear that the San Jose remodeling companies have a solution to your space crunch woes

These companies generally do home remodel, but lately, they are expanding the range of service offerings. The specific home improvement service, which you can book from these companies, is a room addition. There are plenty of homeowners in San Jose, who have already undertaken room addition projects from remodeling companies and you can give it a serious thought. It is a capital-intensive project for sure but it also creates value for your home. Let us understand why you will need a room addition to the current living space. Here are the details for readers.

It will solve your space crunch issues

We have indicated that families need more living spaces today simply because the headcount at home is going up. Room-sharing is not always ideal because every member may need privacy. Hence, this is the first reason why you must plan for a room addition to the existing living space. This way a growing family can stay together and no one will have to move out elsewhere in search of rental space, which is costly

Someone may stay overnight

You might have people staying overnight at your place and often they may be forced Someone in the family may fall ill and perhaps a caregiver may have to stay overnight at your place. The sharing of beds is not an option because the person may desire privacy. If you have an additional room constructed by the remodeling contractor, you can allocate the space to the person. There has been a talk about accommodating a caregiver, but the same can be said from the perspective of a guest, who intends to stay overnight.

Are you selling your property?

You may have plans to list the property for sale in the real estate market and the intention to derive the maximum price for this asset. One can opt for room addition and if you discuss with real estate agents, they will welcome the idea. It is a simple equation that you are now offering more space to the buyer. Hence, there is always the scope to quote a higher amount for your home. One must also note that the enhancement in home value will be more than the financial resources spent on the construction. Hence, if you have some cash in hand, one must go for the room addition.

You would perhaps want another bathroom

A growing family will need one more bathroom and this is another interesting room addition idea to ponder over. There are two major benefits to gain if you have a second bathroom at home, Here are the details.

  • It could be a scenario that two people would want to use the bathroom at a time. The pressure at times could be unbearable and in this scenario, someone can always use the second bathroom.
  • At times, there will be a need to under bathroom renovation and the master bathroom may be blocked. In such a scenario, family members could use the second bathroom.
  • A second kitchen

    The kitchen space will also need renovation and in this period, if you have a second kitchen that can be used for cooking. Hence, you can see that there are endless reasons why you must undertake room additions to the living space.

    A home office

    The added room can always work as your office. The pandemic scare lives on and so does the work from home concept. The additional room constructed by the remodeling contractor can work as your office.