Symptoms of A Bad Audi Q5 Ignition Control Module in Marlborough

Author: Professional Automotive

For the smooth functioning of the car, all its systems need to be run efficiently. Among the several vital systems in Audi Q5, the ignition system is playing an important role. Moreover, each of its components is producing the right amount of voltage required by the spark plugs for its smooth combustion.

Many vehicles have an ignition control module that is responsible for switching on and off the ignition coil to fire the spark plugs. Subsequently, it is controlling the frequency and amount of spark provided to the engine for its smooth starting. Without a well-functional ignition control module, the engine doesn’t run properly until the spark plug is fired at the right time.

What does the ignition control module mean?

In simple terms, the ignition control module is referred to as a switch in the car that is turning on and off the ignition system when required. Generally, the control module has a small sensor that is firing the ignition coil for providing enough energy to fire the spark plugs and ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

Due to any reason, if the ignition control module is failed in your Audi, then it will create obstacles to igniting the right amount of air-fuel mixture in the cylinders at the right time and affect the overall performance of the engine. To prevent major engine damage, you have to take care of the problem immediately and replace the failed components immediately.

If the engine is unable to provide enough energy at the right time, then it will cause serious accidents on the road. At this point, you will find that the engine only cranks, but does not start at all.

Symptoms of the bad ignition control module

In reality, the ignition control module is the heart of the ignition system in your Audi. Like other components of the car, the ignition control module deteriorates eventually. The following points define the symptoms of a bad ignition control module in a car.

Engine running rough

Thus, the main function of the ignition control module in your car is to control the frequency of ignition spark linked to the combustion process. If the control module is unable to provide the right amount of ignition at the right time, then you will notice incomplete combustion in the cylinders.

Due to the incomplete combustion process, the engine is running rough and causes engine misfiring problems for the long run. At this point, you have to consult a reputed mechanic for inspecting the ignition control module and fix it immediately.

Acceleration issues

All we know is that poor acceleration is the common problem of bad spark plugs in your car. If you will notice acceleration problems in the car, then check the ignition control module by a mechanic. Due to the bad control module, you will notice trouble creating the spark in your car. In this case, you will notice the car jerk and vibrate when the brake pedals are pressed.

In this case, when you increase the speed of the car, it will hesitate while running. Over regular use, the car won’t start due to the lack of power. For fixing the problem, you have to replace the spark plugs and wires as soon as possible.

Difficult starting

For the smooth combustion process, your car is going through four important phases such as exhaust, compression, spark, and fuel. When the ignition control module of the car is failed, it will cause problems in the combustion process as well as cause starting problems in the car.

On the other hand, when the ignition control module is failed entirely, it will prevent the car from starting. Moreover, these problems are especially arising in your Audi when you are driving it in colder environments.

Engine overheating

In general, an overheated engine is also a common symptom of the failed ignition control module in a car. When the ignition control module has any problems, it will stop functioning the engine and cause other problems like engine stuttering, electrical shorts, and produce fuel odor in the exhaust. In this case, you will notice that the engine stall eventually.

Illuminated check engine light

Whenever something wrong arises in the car, you will notice the check engine light is triggered on the dashboard. Moreover, the check engine light is activated for many reasons and the failed ignition control module is the most common among them.

When you will notice the illuminated check engine light in your car, it's always recommended to take your car to the nearest auto repair shop for determining the main reason behind the problem and fix it accordingly.


If you notice any of the above-defined symptoms in your Audi Q5, then consult with a reputed mechanic for diagnosing the causes behind the bad ignition control module and fix it as soon as possible. People, who are living near the Marlborough and found a problem in the ignition control module in Audi, then consult a local mechanic for fixing the problem.