Input and Output Devices

Author: Firoz Kadri

Input and Output devices are the very important parts of the computer, on both of which the functionality of the computer system is based.

The input and output devices are the devices that connect to the computer with their functionalities, like a mouse and keyboard, which connects to the computer with their functionality, so that we can type or do anything using the mouse on the computer.

Let see, what is the exact definition of the input and the output devices.

Input device definition:

Input devices are the devices by which we can give, enter or insert the data into the computer.

These devices can be any device, equipment or any hardware by which we can able to enter the data into the computer.

Output device definition:

Output devices are the devices by which we can get the result of our entered input. the data gets converted from the machine language to the understandable or simply human language.

Now, let us see a list of these input and output devices.

List of Input devices

  • Keyword
  • Mouse
  • Joy Stick
  • Scanner

List of Output Devices

  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Speakers
  • Projector

Let's see how these are commonly used to input and output devices with a brief summary and what their function is and use.

Input Devices


Keywords are made of lots of keys of alphabets, numbers, some special characters and other keys by which you can do multiple tasks onto the computer.

Keywords are the modified and advanced version of the typewriters, by which you can write or do the calculation on a computer.

By using the keyboards you can give the commands onto the computer or do anything that is written, which make it an essential input device.


Mouse, also known as the pointing device, by using which you can point anything onto the computer.

You can click on anything which is showing onto the computer, open it or move it anywhere.

Specifically, the mouse includes the 3 buttons at the top by which you can click or scroll your page and 1 at the bottom namely trackball which helps to move the mouse around.

Now, touchpads are provided into the laptop as a replacement for the mouse.

Joy Stick

Joy Stick is mainly used for playing video games, which comes with an stick with an angle to the base for moving and control.

Joy Stick apart from the computer, use into the various places like an aero plane, trucks, wheelchairs, cranes and in many more.


The scanner is another important and necessary input device used with the computer.

It is now useful for many people as you can scan any document, photo, file or anything you want to upload onto you are computers.

It converts the hardcopy of files, documents, or photos to a softcopy, which you can mail or upload onto the website where you want to send.

Output Devices


The monitor is one of the important devices of the computer, without which we can not do anything, as it displays everything that we are doing.

The monitor shows all actions or activities we are performing on the computer, it also displays the video, images, icons and all the things which we want to see on the computer.


The work of the printer is exactly opposite to the scanner, as the scanner scans out hard copies, files or any document, the printer prints all soft copies we want in our hand.

The soft copies you are sending to anyone by scanning, they can print those copies using the printers.

Nowadays, the printers also come into color variants, so that you can also make color copies of the documents.


Speakers become an important device when you start watching videos on the computer.

Speakers are the hardware devices, which comes separately with the computer and inbuild into the laptop.


If you want to display anything to the large cloud with a large image, you can use the projector.

Projectors are used in schools, colleges where the teacher can show the important notes or images by the projector to the whole class.

At the meeting, if you need to do a presentation to your teammates or colleagues, you can use the projector, so that everyone can see the things which you want to show them using a computer and projector.