5 Excellent Mobile App Development Trends To Watch Out For

Author: Kristi Ray

How do you keep up with the ever-changing world of app development? Technology becomes obsolete, so it can be challenging to ensure that your app development continues with technology trends. There are plenty of ways to stay on top of what’s happening in mobile app development right now, so you can make sure your app stays on point and doesn’t get left behind. Here are the five excellent trends to watch out for to develop effective application development.

1. Augmented RealityA relatively new technology trend that has emerged in recent years augmented reality (AR) will certainly be a big mobile app development trend to watch out for. Companies are already exploring ways to include AR in their apps, including use cases like AR digital billboards that can superimpose a brand’s logo over an existing object. As more users get comfortable using AR technology—think Pokémon Go!—more companies will likely try incorporating it into their apps.

  1. Web App LandscapeWeb apps have been around for years, a web app runs in a browser, like an app on your smartphone or tablet, but they’re built using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Using such technologies gives developers tons of advantages over native apps (easy to build with drag-and-drop tools like bootstrap or Foundation). Web apps are also universal—they work both online and offline across all devices. So, you just need to decide what type of app you require and hire an android developer or ios/web to build a responsive app for your business need.
  2. VUIIt’s become abundantly clear that voice recognition software is here to stay. With technological advancements in voice recognition coming rapidly, it won’t be long before VUI becomes standard. That being said, it’s worth taking the time to consider whether VUI will work for your app (rather than just assuming it should). Just because you can doesn’t mean you should; each new technology comes with its own challenges and costs.

5. Cloud Driven Mobile AppsOver 70% of mobile app developers are already cloud-driven. That is, they’re utilizing services such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure for backend storage and computing. This allows for a faster time to market and more opportunities for innovation. You can expect to see an explosion in cloud-based mobile apps as more development companies adopt them into their workflow over the next few years.

4. Beacon TechnologyBeacons are Bluetooth-enabled, low-energy devices. They can send signals to smartphones within proximity and then trigger an action—such as opening a restaurant’s mobile app or pulling up its website. Beacons are going to be one of those technologies that change everything, says Jeff Kagan, a technology industry analyst. It will change how we shop, how retailers interact with us and provide us with information.

ConclusionIt’s no longer news that more and more businesses are shifting to mobile, making app development an integral part of their strategy. As a result, a whole new industry has cropped up in order to serve companies looking to build or improve their mobile offering. If you are interested in building your own mobile application, then it’s imperative for you to have a clear picture of what lies ahead. We have looked at some emerging trends which will help give your mobile app business just that—perspective: if you plan on getting into Android application development anytime soon, pay close attention because we may have something interesting for you!