5 Ways to Get Motivated in the Morning

Author: Jennifer Kropf

Let me start off by saying that I am not really a morning person. I prefer to stay up and enjoy the quiet time of the late hours scrolling on my phone or binge watching a new show. Although I enjoy this time, it’s also not my most useful time.

The morning–if done right–is where I shine as my energized, determined, productive self! And since that doesn’t always come naturally, I have to make sure I get and stay motivated in the mornings. It doesn’t always come easy but by using these 5 ways to get motivated in the morning, you have a better chance of having a more successful and happier day.

  1. Get inspired with words of affirmation or morning quotes!

Surround yourself in positivity first thing in the morning. Nobody wants to start the day grumpy so make sure you get in the right mindset first. Affirmations can change the way you think and how you think is how you live your life. Pick a mantra that you feel connected to and say it, out loud, in the morning. Believe it when you say it! You’ll start to feel powerful and ready to conquer the day.

You can be positively influenced by morning themed quotes as well! Place these quotes where you can see them first thing in the morning; on your night stand, bathroom mirror, phone background. To get started, pick a few favorites from this list of "Good Morning Quotes & Thoughts" and see how impactful the right headspace can shape your day.

"First thing every morning before you arise, say out loud, ‘I believe,’ three times." – Ovid

2. Prepare Prepare Prepare

Not everything has to be done in the morning to have a good morning (or day). The night before, help yourself by picking out your outfit for tomorrow. If you workout, make sure you have your workout clothes included. Business meeting? Dress accordingly. This helps you mentally review your schedule for the next day, feeling more prepared, and you don’t have to stress about where those shoes are or if your shirt is wrinkled from the dryer.

3. Drink a glass of water

One of the easiest ways to get motivated and ironically, one of the hardest for me to do. But dang, when I do it I already feel good about the day. I’ve already counted a glass of water off of my goal for the day and I’ve barely gotten started! A glass of water when you wake up helps you rehydrate after a night's sleep, signaling the body that you’re up and ready to roll!

4. Take some time for yourself

If your days consist of needy children or a demanding work schedule then this one's for you. Take a few minutes in the morning to sit in silence or read a book you’ve been trying to finish or journal. Once the day gets going it becomes a lot harder to squeeze these much needed alone times in. After, you’ll feel ready to wake the kids up or slay the day once you’ve had some time for yourself.

5. Turn it up!

Music is life. Whether you’re a heavy metal enthusiast or classic country, you know you feel better when you have the beat up loud. My son loves music so we have our morning breakfast with the Jurassic Park soundtrack in the background. Our favorite radio station is on in the car for our morning ride to school. We get our morning mojo on with music that stimulates and lifts us up. So pop in the headphones and find a station that motivates you.

Mornings won’t always be easy to get up for but you can help yourself by finding the best ways to motivate yourself in the morning. Set the tone for success by conquering your morning.