What Can An Online Picture Editor Do?

Author: Robert Smith

There are quite a number of online picture editing software packages available in the market today. An online picture editor is used to manipulate, combine, crop, and print digital photos. There are really no limits a good online picture editor can accomplish; anything from a subtle background or contrast adjustment to complex works of art that incorporate multiple images, treatments and textures.

Basic Photo Editing Procedures

Always remember to save the result as a separate file when editing your images. This will help you recover your original image in an unedited format.

  • Adjust Color Levels and Contrast: You can give the contrast setting a nudge to enhance your photos and create a dramatic look. If your photo looks washed out, increase the saturation levels to make the colors appear more vibrant. If you have an image from your digital camera that has a colored tint due to an incorrect white balance setting, adjust the color levels to give the photo a more realistic untinted look.
  • Rotate, Matte, Crop Photos: Photo editing software enables you to rotate your photos. If you took your pictures with the camera turned to one side, you can rotate the photo through 90 degrees. Usually you will need to rotate the photo to a lesser degree. You can also crop off any unwanted portions of your photos thus making it possible to recompose old photos into new ones with a fresh exciting look. Many online picture editors let you add a frame round the picture to make a built-in matte.
  • Remove Red-Eye Effects: Some picture editing software have a red-eye removal feature. It’s also possible to remove red-eyes manually by highlighting the subject’s eyes and changing the color balance to remove the redness. More advanced software packages are capable of changing the entire color pallete of the image to create a monochrome or sepia image or even convert the image to black and white.
  • Get Rid Of Unwanted Objects: It’s possible to remove parts of a photo using a picture editor to leave a plain background. Supposing you have taken a photo of a majestic castle that is many centuries old. When you examine your photo, you discover to your dismay that you captures a nearby parked minivan thus ruining the entire mood of the scene. You can remove the unwanted van and leave behind your castle untouched, though this takes some practice. You can use photo editing software to manipulate your images in different ways—you can even turn a real-life motorcycle picture into a charcoal sketch
  • Create Works Of Art: Many programs have plug-ins and filters that allow you to change your photos into artistic masterpieces with just a few mouse clicks. The changes can be subtle or drastic that leaves the photo of your house looking like watercolor painted by a master impressionist

By using an online picture editor, your digital photography will become a much more fun and satisfying experience. There are many varieties of image editing software available with some being free while others are quite costly. Take a close look at the features to decide which one will do the trick for you.