Built a New Website? Here are 4 Techniques to Boost its Ranking

Author: Niveditha Jain Niveditha Jain

If you’ve just created a new website, you might want to take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO) to help it get found. Search engine optimization strategies can make it easier for people to find your website in search results. The better your SEO Bay Area is, the higher your chances are of drawing in new customers or clients. Read on to learn about four simple SEO tips that will help your site rank higher in search results over time.

Create Relevant Content:

Make your site easy for both humans and search engines by writing content that’s relevant and valuable to your target audience. Google algorithm updates have made it increasingly difficult for non-original content sites - that is, those with little or no unique content - to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). Copying existing site content won’t help you increase traffic or boost conversions. If you’re in need of high-quality original content, consider hiring a digital marketing agency in Bay Area.

Use Keywords in Titles, Meta Descriptions, and URLs:

Search engines like Google are looking for keywords in search results. Use them! It’s a good idea to create meta descriptions, titles, and URLs that incorporate keywords relevant to your topic. Make sure your page titles reflect what people are searching for. If someone searches for "best cleaning services" but you have a page called "cheap house cleaner", you aren’t going to do very well in search rankings.

Utilize Alt Tags:

Search engines can’t read images—and so they use alt tags (in a way, it’s a text description of your image) to interpret photos. If you want images on your website to help with SEO, utilize alt tags for each image on your page. Make sure you use relevant keywords so that when someone does a search for one of those terms, Google will be able to pick up on it. This makes your website even more discoverable.

Don’t Forget Link Building:

Link building is a powerful way to improve your search engine ranking. Essentially, it’s about obtaining links from other relevant sites that mention your business. These inbound links are essentially votes for your site, improving its rank in search results. It may sound intimidating, but link building is relatively simple, just as long as you do it ethically. An online advertising San Francisco expert will help you out with the same.

In today’s Internet environment, search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of any online marketing strategy. If your website or blog isn’t being found when people look for information, your business will lose potential clients. Your best bet is to hire an SEO Bay Area company who are well-versed with the concepts mentioned above. They can do wonders to your site.