Rapid eLearning – Some Myths Debunked

Author: Mich Laddric

Electronic and web-based learning is turning out to be the order of the day in many countries of the world and in India too many institutions are coming forward to provide online education to students. This is why they begin to search for elearning companies for developing the right kind of tool needed for ensuring the best teaching experience to the tutors and learning experience to the students. Before choosing a rapid tool elearning development, it becomes important that institutions should understand some myths prevailing in the market about this solution:

Rapid e-learning is crapid learning: As the tools are easy to use and even easy to develop, some are of the opinion that these tools can create a bad learning experience. Even though, this might be true in some tools developed under this platform, experts are of the opinion that the crappy tools were available in the market, just before the development of rapid tool elearning development. Also, with many professional elearning companies in India, this is a true myth. Thousands of years ago, men were just visiting farm lands and requested the farmers to gather for a class on a daily basis to teach them some fundamental written language skills. This type of situation that was found earlier, can never be found these days. So, rapid tool cannot be said as crapid tool.

This is a second class product: Even though, many professionals have rightly recognized the rapid tools, many of them are still stating this to be a second class product. They are of the opinion that its value is limited to quick and it is stated as more of information-based as against just-in-time content. Even though, this is stated as second class product, just because training is needed for its operation, when it is developed by the best elearning companies in India.

Rapid tool is not good with respect to subject-matter expertise: Many are of the opinion that Subject Matter Experts or SMEs are not provided with the right tools for developing effective training courses. Even though, this might hold true in some cases. However, the fact that many of them are already providing some sort of training cannot be denied. When the best elearning companies are chosen for development of the solution, institution can be great benefited. This is because they will provide the best training on their product usage, in such a way that users can stay clear of any hassle.

Best Elearning companies in India online. At redchipsolutions.com, we develop eLearning content using rapid authoring tools like flash, articulate, storyline. We have an expertise in the domain of providing articulate storyline and eLearning Solution Vendors.To get more details, please visit us.