SFA For South African Pharma Companies

Author: Advanz101 System

Every pharma organisation needs a workforce that’s efficient and is highly productive. An organisation cannot survive today without the aid of the Business Intelligence and from the several options of software for pharma and fmcg software for sales that are available for the organisations, you must opt for the one that suits your needs the most. The South African pharmaceutical market was estimated at $3.8 billion in 2011, and is expected to reach at $7 billion in 2018. That growth is combined with an annual growth of 9.2% with Compound rate. This software not only helps you to run an efficient workforce but is designed keeping in mind the growth and the past pharma market in south Africa. They also aid in several workings of the Pharma Companies. The dedicated MR Reporting software helps you to manage inventories in an efficient way thereby giving you help and growth of the Company. The main components of the SFA are as follows:

  • The sales reports are generated on daily basis.
  • Option of the statement for both stocks and sales.
  • Calculation of individual expenses.
  • Alerts can be customized according to the importance.
  • Comes with a mobile application.
  • Tracking can be done with the onboard CRM.
A highly motivated and performing sales force is the backbone of every company. As they contribute a lot in the company’s success. Acustomized ERP that helps them along is an absolute must for the growth too. Today’s competitive world is lot more fierce and has customers who are demanding and they call for deals that are dynamic. The salesperson of the company need to be attentive and if he has the right customized ERP and software solution to back him up with, he can do wonders for the company. The Sales Force Automation (SFA) software takes care of every need and is an accurate online solution for the pharma companies.

Advantages of the SFA:The SFA solution that we have can be used and enabled both offline and online. This gives you a flexibility to use according to your liking.

  • The easy interface helps you to increase the acceptance across all user levels and it has reporting formats like the paper reporting for the web that replicates the work.
  • It helps you to market in a focussed way and allows doctors to map the products.
  • It shows comprehensive and detailed information about the doctors and lists out the products that are available. This gives MR an edge to increase the overall productivity for the company in terms of sales.
The sugarcrm custom apps comes with the Mobilefield force reporting software that helps the sales force in the sales and the management area giving them ease of working and an overall Effective Sales Process.

Benefits of the SFA:

  • Collection of all the data and then processing it in a systematic way.
  • The time taken to process the data is considerably less and results in less efforts and more efficiency.
  • No need to send the DCR’s to the respective Head Offices as it’s done directly by the apps and the mailings.
  • The data is analyzed on the latest basis and all the activities of the field are monitored in an effective and efficient manner.
  • Management of the relations with the doctors with all the respective updated data.
  • The products can be targeted after systematic identification for the doctor and the marketing need.
  • The workings of the MRs can be tracked and analysed in respect to the deviations and the orders that’s been made by them.
The working of the sales team now depends a lot on the CRM. A right Sales Force Automation can do wonders for your organization if it’s set up right. It not only allows you to build new accounting relations, but it also lets you manage the old one with easiness and efficiency. The customer information is maintained in a right order and you identification of the leads and future stages in the sales opportunities can be tracked and worked upon. The right SFA leads the sales and the management team alike and helps them predict the expectations of the customer and their buying behaviour and helping them to forecast revenues