Top dermatologists in Charlotte warn you about Actinic Keratosis

Author: Dscmd Charlotte

Dermatologists in Charlotte are here to warn you about Actinic Keratosis and how it can form into skin cancer. Let’s be real. We’re all super conscious about our skin. The littlest change and we’re scrambling to find ways to get rid of it. And when nothing works, we’re left with just doing our level best to conceal it. What people don’t often realize is that sometimes if an imperfection isn’t going away, there could be more to the problem than what meets the eye. It’s, therefore, crucial to get evaluated to make sure nothing too serious is going on. Besides, you’ll get a super great skincare routine out of an appointment anyway so you may as well book a visit!

What is Actinic Keratosis?

Actinic Keratosis refers to extremely dry and patchy areas of the skin. These areas are, in most cases, sun-exposed. Due to continuous direct exposure to the sun, the skin burns out and becomes super dry and flakey. Now, this neither feels nor looks pretty. It looks like a nasty scab has formed and oftentimes you’ve no idea how to get rid of it. It is also extremely important to note that since it was formed due to a ton of sun exposure, we’re also looking at high risks for this to be cancerous. In fact, in most places, It is referred to as precancer or stage 0 cancer. This is because about 60% of Actinic Keratosis sites end up becoming cancerous sooner or later. It is therefore super important to get it checked out as soon as possible if you believe you have this condition.

Risk factors for Actinic Keratosis

It is very important to know the risk factors for it in order to properly be able to prevent it in the future. It most commonly occurs in light-skinned individuals with blond or red hair. Having freckles just adds to the risk as well. The reason these types of people are most likely to develop Actinic Keratosis is that their body is unable to produce enough melatonin to protect the skin from sun damage. Melatonin is the part of the body that is responsible for giving your skin pigment. It is also important to know that the risk for these types of individuals considerably increases as they get older due to several years of continuous direct sun exposure. If you don’t fall into this category of individuals you still have a good chance of developing Actinic Keratosis if you live in a super sunny area.

Treatment for Actinic Keratosis

Depending on the severity of your Actinic Keratosis, there are several different treatment plans available. It is always best to consult with your top dermatologist in Charlotte for a custom plan that works best for you. If caught early, most dermatologists might just prescribe an ointment for treatment. If the situation is a bit more severe, you may be facing surgery through different methods such as cryosurgery, laser, or shavings.

Find a top dermatologist in Charlotte for Actinic Keratosis

If you believe you have Actinic Keratosis and you’d like to get it evaluated before it turns cancerous, look no further! Our top dermatologists are here for you. Contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.