How to Keep Your Personal Gas Monitor in Tip-Top Shape

Author: Belinda Rahme Barakat

Your employer may require you to wear an individual gas monitor on the job, so it’s important to keep that monitor in good working order and make sure it gives you accurate readings at all times. If it isn’t functioning properly, faulty readings could cost you your job or even put your health at risk. In this article, we’ll cover some ways to keep your personal gas monitor in tip-top shape and ensure it’s always giving you the correct information about your air quality at work.

Store Your Monitor Safely

While it’s not that hard to make sure your personal gas monitors are where they need to be and functioning correctly, there are some things you can do that will ensure you stay safe.

Clean and Care For It Properly

In order for your gas monitor to continue providing accurate readings, it’s important that you keep it clean and maintained. The user manual should provide instructions on how to do so, but here are some basic steps you can follow: -

  • Clean outside with a nonabrasive cleaning product
  • If provided, replace batteries regularly at regular intervals as instructed by the manufacturer

Bump Test Your Monitor Daily

It’s important to take proper care of your personal gas monitor. The device can be a lifesaver, but you can’t rely on it if it isn’t working properly. So, before every use a bump test should be done to ensure you operation of alarms and sensor response. A bump test is a brief exposure to a known concentration of gas or gases and is not intended to measure the accuracy of the instrument. If you gas monitor fails a bump test it should be calibrated immediately. Should the calibration fail, the offending sensor should be changed out and recalibrated. Most modern gas monitors allow owners to replace sensors themselves without having to send back to a service department.

Perform Visual Inspections

Visual inspections are a great way to stay proactive. While using your gas monitor, check for cracks, foggy lenses, and visible damage—these issues could mean that there’s something wrong with your unit. Performing visual inspections every time you use it will ensure that you’re safe at all times.

Whether you are looking for calibration gas, Infrared Gas Detectors or a personal gas monitor, ProDetec has got you covered.