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Author: Prasanna Kasineni
9 ways to increase your organic reach
  1. Focus your efforts on the right places

Most businesses will assume that they need to have a presence on everything from Facebook to Pinterest, but that’s not necessarily the case.

Your audience may not have a presence on every social media platform, so why waste energy? Choosing which network to focus on is easier than you think.

Here are some quick ways to help you decide which platform is worthy of your time:

Simply ask

The best way to get accurate info about your audience is to simply ask them. Try using a survey, put it in an email, or even give some of your best customers a quick call to see how they’re doing. While you’re getting caught up, ask them which social platforms they use for business and personal purposes.

Look at your share counts

If you have a blog, then you should be using share buttons already. Many of these tools will provide analytics that show who’s sharing your content and more importantly, where they’re sharing it. Follow these numbers to figure out which platforms to focus on.

Look for your competitors

Take a look at your competitors. Where are others in your industry posting? If you don’t see them anywhere on the platform, odds are you shouldn’t be there either.

  1. Optimize your social media profiles
  • Every aspect of your social media profile can be tweaked for better visibility and optimization. If you want to be a social media pro, you need to know the ins and outs of these elements.
  • Many of the tactics you know and love work here, too:
  • An easy to remember username
  • A recognizable photo/brand logo
  • Keyword-rich descriptions (that still sound natural)
  • A trackable link back to your website
  1. Post evergreen content
  • Create evergreen content" is one of those things that’s easier said than done. A typical post on social media, especially on giants like Twitter or Facebook, can have a widely varied lifespan.
  • Posts also need to be engaging. You may, work in a boring or dry industry, but you can still find a way to make your posts stand out despite the subject matter.

The bottom line is this:

  • Don’t publish content with an expiration date.
  • Consider solving common and present problems in your industry. Even better, try to
  • post something educational and funny
  1. Work smarter, not harder
  2. Use targeting to maximize organic potential

This tactic will vary from platform to platform, but tweaking the settings of your posts to target specific members of your audience can give you a boost in organic potential. For Facebook, you can use organic post targeting to tweak who will see it.

There are 8 options on Facebook you can use:

  • Gender
  • Relationship
  • Status
  • Education level
  • Age
  • Location
  • Language
  • Interests
  • Post end date

The same type of options are available on Twitter. For example, with their use hashtags, which allow you to categorize your posts.

  1. Post during slow hours
  • Facebook – (Thursdays/Fridays) between 1pm and 3pm
  • Twitter – (weekdays) between 12pm and 6pm
  • LinkedIn – (Tuesday – Thursday) between 7am/8am and 5pm/6pm
  1. Post the right types of content