Add glamour and shine in your life with famous fashion blogger Irena

Author: Smart Web

She is stylish, glamorous, sexy and a fashion icon to all the young ladies out there. Apart from being a singer Irena has emerged out as a lady who understands the true meaning to be a fashionable celebrity. While browsing many UK fashion blogs one might get her displaying the current style statement. And you can’t turn the page until you say "yes she really got the look!!" She not only follows the trend but recreates it. Irena got daily invitation from many stylish zones.

She already has appeared in front cover of many beauty magazines. She keeps on updating about the events where she was in. Her magical voice and fashioning sense has been admired by many fans throughout Europe. Fashion blogger Irena was the face for KANGOL CAMPAIGN in 2012.

After success, glory and immense popularity she is moving one step ahead to be a Russian fashion blogger now. One of her most popular achievements is being a Brand face for a well known Electronic Cigarette product Ecotina in Spain. One can say that Irena is combination of cool music and Manchester fashion blogger. From very simple tips on manicure, pedicure to have a classy Victorian look Irena knows all. She mostly mentioned about her contacts with most famous designers and makeup artists in town. She loves and admires their work. Irena loves to be choosy and look for the exact combo that will create a trend for everyone.

Wherever she goes, true blend of fashion and modern music automatically follows her. While portraying her products Irena also mentioned the link of the online shops. Along with describing trends she talks about alternative options too. She connects with youth easily and declares about her obsession on various fashion products comfortably.

Most of the online magazines have showcased Irena’s dressing sense and detailed descriptions. Online social network got bundles of appreciation and comments just after every post she made. Irena has emerged out as the noticeable and admired UK fashion blogger in web.

She has separate site about her music composition and tours. One can look at the details of these online sites to attend one of her upcoming concert. Sign in yourself in the site and be a part of Irena’s journey.

Check here for the online social network got bundles of appreciation and comments just after every post she made. Irena has emerged out as the noticeable and admired UK fashion blogger.