How To Choose Ceiling Fans from Power Tool Store

Author: Southern Tools

It is easy to get lost in words when you go to a power tool store for selecting fans. When you go to such stores, you will find a wide range of fans which include blade span, 14- degree blade pitch, and sloped ceiling adaptable fans.

There are a few questions as well, which also come to your mind. You can ask whether the fan is big or small? Whether there are several blades or just two blades? What controls do you need?

When it comes to buying a ceiling fan, you need to think in a wide range. It’s time to check out all the questions related to the purchase of fans from the power tool store.

Mounting Options for Ceiling Fans

While each fan is designed to fit the space in your house, there are several options when you go into the store. All these fans are designed to provide good air circulation. You must mount the fans approximately 7 feet above the floors.

You must measure the space between the ceiling and floor, before making your perfect selection. You need to check the mounting space and height so that you don’t face any problems in the future.

Sizing of the Ceiling Fans

It is important to check the sizing of the ceiling fans when you go to buy them. The ceiling fans have two important things. They are the size of the fan blades and height. When the blades are eight feet from the floor, they can provide maximum efficiency.

Most fans sit around seven feet above the floor, as most houses have eight feet ceiling. It is essential to consider the flush mount model if you feel that the fan is too close to your head.

You will need to simply swipe out a longer down rod, for the taller ceilings. It will not hamper the appearance and efficiency of the fans if you maintain an eight- to nine-foot height.

The overall square footage of the room determines the proper blade size of the fan. When you go to the brand tool store Louisville KY, you will be able to check the energy star fans. These energy stars program breaks down things in the following ways.

  • You can choose a 42-inch fan for an average room of 144 sq. ft.
  • You can select 54 inches fan, which is 400 sq. ft. room
  • You can choose a 44-inch fan for a 225 sq. ft room

Fan Finishes and Style

Starting from the modern to classic style, ceiling fans are available in various finishes and styles. While it will match your home décor, a well-designed fan will work better and has its aesthetic values. You don’t have to compromise on the efficiency and functions.

Accessories For Fans

When you buy ceiling fans, you won’t get many accessories. But there are some stores, which keep fans with some accessories. The store will supply you with remote control when you buy ceiling fans from them.

It will give you freedom from using pull chains to increase or decrease the speed of the fans. While you can keep some of the remotes on the desk near you, some of them can be mountable.

You can also functionality of remote in the conventional fans, as the remotes can be retrofitted.

Down Rods of Fans

It is necessary to choose fans with long down rods when the room has high ceilings. It will create a perfect extension to the ceiling fans. For great rooms, expansive entries with tall ceilings, and entryways, it becomes an ideal configuration.

Since the ceiling fans are placed in a room with high ceilings, henceforth down rod becomes an important accessory for the fans. It is necessary to check the perfect size of the down rods when you buy the fans.

Fans On Sloped Ceilings

A sloped ceiling fan is a perfect option if you have a ceiling that is inclined. It is seen that some fans are adaptable to sloped ceilings. Most of the fans have down rods that rotate at an angle.

You can always check the product details from the power tool online store while verifying the compatibility of the fan.

Choosing The Energy Star Quality Fans

You must be technologically creative since it is necessary to curtail down the ever utility cost. It is, therefore, necessary to choose an energy star label fan, which can give you maximum financial benefits in the long run.

It is necessary to choose the energy star fans for the following reasons.

  • To help the customers to purchase after identifying the energy-saving products.
  • To recognize the highly testing processes, and prove that these fans are efficient.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to keep the above-mentioned points in mind if you are selecting a ceiling fan. It is essential to check the things from brick and motor and online stores as well.