How to Search Twitter History and Why You Should?

Author: Kate Finch
Developing an effective Twitter marketing strategy for your business is difficult. You have to consider all facets of the account. To do so, analyze the past activities of your Twitter account. You may have to search Twitter history including tweets and content published years ago.

Searching your Twitter history may sound impractical, but I assure you it’s far from impractical. Analyzing your Twitter history can help you dissect the strategies implemented in the past and measure their effectiveness.

Twitter history has always been a valuable source of information for individuals to gain vital insights. Analyzing Twitter history or past tweets can also help you identify topical content topics that resonate with the audience.

But before we dive into the benefits, let’s discuss the ways to search Twitter history.

How to search Twitter history?

Going through all your tweets is a tiresome and time-consuming task. Thankfully Twitter has integrated various features to make it easier. Let’s discuss the ways you can search Twitter history directly from Twitter.

Search Your Twitter data

Fortunately, Twitter provides you with the option to search Twitter history.

Analyzing your Twitter history can help you measure the performance and growth of your Twitter profile.

Step 1 : Login into your Twitter account

Step 2 : Click the option ‘More’, then click on ‘settings and privacy’

Step 3 : Under the ‘Your Account’ section, click on ‘Download an archive of your data’

Step 4 : Click the request archive option

Step 5 : When your Twitter history is ready, it will be sent to the email associated with your Twitter account for download.

Search Twitter History Using Twitter Advanced Search Techniques

Twitter also provides you the option to search Twitter history through Twitter advanced search from your account. You can use the advanced search techniques, by applying specific filters, you can further customize your search results.

There are three sections to customize your search results:

  • Words: You can use this section to input keywords, hashtags, or phrases that you want to search in your Twitter history.
  • Accounts: Use this section to input the Twitter handles from which you want to search Twitter history.
  • Dates: This section can help you access Twitter history from specific periods.

Go to the accounts section and input your Twitter handle to search Twitter history from your account.

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