How to Ease Your Increasing Anxiety

Author: Jennifer Kropf

The last few years have been….HARD. Outside circumstances and volatility have weaseled its way into daily life and we’ve all had to adjust. A lot.

But recently, I noticed an uptick in my own anxiety. I had trouble sleeping, worried about everything, and couldn’t seem to relax. In short, I was miserable.

Then I found out that both my sister and my good friend were seeking help with their anxiety. And I began wondering… how many of us are anxious these days?

And perhaps it’s time we all took a step back.

So, I’ve been working on my worry thoughts and letting myself find the fun in life again. Here is what has helped, I hope it works for you too!

1. I Write in a Journal

First, the worst part of my anxiety is being up in the middle of the night, unable to relax. I tried everything and only ONE thing works every time. Journaling. To be more exact, I "mind dump" on paper for five minutes. This consists of writing down everything I’m thinking about without filtering out anything.

After the time is up, I’m able to let it go and sleep well. This technique has been a miracle to my peace of mind.

See the best gifts for anxious people for more like this>>

2. I Use Affirmations

When I was having kids, I miscarried 3 times. By the time I was pregnant with my last child, my anxiety was through the roof.

I desperately sought relief from the worry. Then, I heard a popular song on the radio. The words were meant for a different situation, but they moved me just the same.

So, I repeated "If it's meant to be, it will be" to myself at least 5x a day for nine months. It became THE reason I stayed sane.

3. I Unplug From the World

For me, one of the main sources of my anxiety is negative news of our world. Covid, wars, murders in my town – all of it makes me worry about bad things happening. And puts me in fight or flight mode.

So, when things are really bad, I know I have to step away for a bit and regain my perspective. This small action usually makes a HUGE impact.

4. I Exercise

Above all, I feel MUCH better on the days that I exercise as opposed to the days that I don’t. That means I’m less anxious, I sleep better, and I’m in a better mood. When someone else tells me they have anxiety, I always ask them if they exercise.

5. I Focus on the Good

And finally, it always helps to focus on gratitude. It’s not always easy, but when I sit down and intentionally focus on the good stuff, I can turn around my worried mind.

I focus on things like....

  • the day to day things going well in life
  • the things you take for granted (like water and electricity)
  • celebrating the small wins (even if you are failing, you are learning!)
  • simple pleasures (like a smile and a cup of coffee)
  • finding the opportunity in your challenges

In Conclusion

I’m not a doctor, but I’ve sure noticed that we’re all a lot more uptight than we used to be. So, what can you do to relax and wind down today? Your body and mind will thank you!